Chapter 53: For the Best

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Wow so I messed up the numbers on the chapter so don't worry I fixed it; carry on


Hikaru's face was just a whirl of emotion. His bangs covered over his eyes, not allowing me to see.

"This is all my fault isn't it?" His voice was low and sad. My heart was breaking just looking at him.

I pressed my hands up to him. "No it isn't. I probably provoked her or something... I'm sorry."

That was the last I saw of Hikaru in my time at the hospital. I got out quicker than they thought and I was good as new in just a few days. The week was half over so I didn't have to worry about over working myself.

When I went back to Ouran with my first ever broken leg, which by the way they said I made it worse when I decided to run in it, everyone went crazy. Everyone in class wanted to sign it and I was certain they had never seen a broken leg before. This school cracked me up.

"Hey, Hik." I sat next to said boys desk and his gentle smile.

"I didn't think it was that bad." His eyes darkened.

I shook my head. "Nah I was blacked out trough most of it. Didn't hurt." Even with my low tolerance for pain.

"May I?" Hikaru pulled out a sharpie.

My smiled widened. "Of course."

I shooed off most everyone else besides Koaru and Haruhi from that class. I only had 3 signatures so everyone kept complaining that there was tons of space.

But when I got to the host club, that's where things got really funny.

"Let me get that for you." Hikaru held the door open for me.

"Thanks Hik." I crutched inside the room.

Tamaki turned around with a scowl. "You're late." But once he saw the crutches his eyes widened. "Oh my, what happened, Princess!?"

He pulled up a chair and stool. Placing my castes leg up in the stool.

"Woah, I don't need all this. Really I'm fine." I gushed.

"Are you sure?" Tamaki practically begged.

I scooted his hands away from my dress. "Yes, really... See?" I flexed my knee. "I can still bend. Just really... Really hard to walk." I said laughing. "It would be easier if I was carried." I joked.

Tamaki's hands flew up in shock. "Kyoya, get the strongest men you can find to carry her home."

I jumped out if my seat, practically falling I clung to Tamaki. "No, no! I'm good I'm good!! I swear! I was kidding!!"

"Really?" His lips turned to a smirk. Oh god. "Then let go of me."

"I ugh.... Can't..." I half laughed.

"Kyoya!" Tamaki yelled again.

"Oh my god! This is why they invented crutches! Please don't have people carry me around..." Tamaki placed me back in my seat.

He sighed. "If that's what you want."

"Thanks Tamaki!"

"Daddy loves you!" He pulled me into a strangling hug.


The club went by slowly, seeing as though I couldn't DO anything. I just sat there drawing. I wondered why I didn't just go home.

"Earth to Tess..." Hikaru waved a hand in my face.

"Oh sorry! What?" I pulled my pencil off the paper. I must have zoned out.

"Whatcha' drawing there?" I slapped the pad closed.

"Nothing!" I pulled it away from his grubby hands.

"Come on let me see." I couldn't move far so he ended up getting from me.

The hosts filed out as I wobbled up to take my sketch pad back. "Hey! Give that back!" I tried taking it from him. Alas, he was too tall.

"Ooo... What do we have here??" He flipped through the pages as he held them higher than I could reach.

I bounced up only to collide with Hikaru.

"Ha!" I snatched back my pad from his hand looking in his eyes.

Now that I was so close to his face I could see how gold his eyes really were. A pure shade of sunshine yellow dissolving into a bright plump lime shade. They could almost be confused for green or brown. They were so mesmerizing. I was never this close him. His soft skin with no impurities mocked me.

How he looked so great was beyond my understanding. How could one boy have the face of a doll, making your knees still weak?

When I realized I was staring I pushed off his hard chest, probably hurting him.

"Oh god! I'm sorry! Ididn'tmeantopushyouoranything!!Imsorry!!!" My words stuck together.

His quick breath of air made me worry. "Did I hurt you?! Oh god I'm sorry!?" Why was I so flustered?

"Yeah," he cleared his throat. "Fine." A small blush pulled on his cheeks.

I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. I wasn't over him, but I had to be. After ally that happened I had to play it off like I didn't like him. It was for the best, right?

All this drama was my fault. Why should I drag poor Hikaru back into something he already had been through. This was for our own good. Staying friends.

I shook it off. Stop Tess. Stay friends. It's for the best.

Hikaru was fine, but I wasn't. My heart ached. It hurt to say goodbye, even if he didn't hear it.

It was for the best....

Why does doing the right thing hurt so much?

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