Chapter 41: Behind Closed Doors

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Maybe I was blowing this whole thing out of water.

It's just holding hands. Maybe he doesn't know what love is? Maybe he's just confuse as I am. But on thing is for sure.

He let me walk out that door.

Like I was nothing. Just like I was going to walk back in at anytime, apologizing for my actions. Saying I was sorry. For what? Having emotions. All he ever was was angry at me.

I cried until I reach the end if the hall and fell down. I didn't trip, I just fell. I was tired. Tired of all this drama, this fighting. I wanted to throw up I felt so sick to my stomach.

Maybe if I went back...

But if I did I could never live with myself. I'm not the type of girl that can just go back. That wouldn't fix anything. How I felt, how our relationship stood. No I needed to take action.

I wasn't about to sit on the floor and cry about it. But I did. I needed to let all this energy that's been bottle up way to long.

'Why didn't he just stop me from opening the door?' That's all I could think about.

Was our relationship that worthless that he didn't show any emotion? Why I suck a screw up he needed to yell at me because I was depressed.

I didn't want to go back to that. Never. As much as I wanted help, I didn't want to go home. Grey would either sit in silence or pound me with questions. I didn't know which one was worse.

"Tess?" A voice asked.

My cries we just teary sniffles by then. I lift my watery face to see who the voice belonged to.

"Hey Finn." I smiled weakly.

His green eyes looked so sad looking at me. It wasn't pity, it was something else. Something more. He reached out a hand for me, I hesitated.

He didn't say a word. He life's me up over his shoulder in a blink of an eye.

"Wait Finn! Where are we going!?" I clutched onto the back of his shirt tightly.

"My place." His calm masculine voice spoke.

Before we were out the door ginger red hair came out of the janitor's closet. I didn't have my glasses on but by the looks of it they weren't happy. They stopped and stared until they were nothing but a person behind closed doors.

"Why?" I asked when we were eventually outside.

"You probably don't want to tell me. So I didn't ask. I thought, maybe, if I brought you to my place it would be more comfortable." He couldn't be anymore right.

Pulling me down we walked to his car. He held the door open for me and before I knew it we were on the highway to his house.

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