Chapter 34: Reality Lemonade

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"Tess, I don't know how much more I can say I'm sorry for what I said to you." Tamaki begged in the car.

"Why did you invite him!?" I sneered at the host club that just invited themselves to my place.

"To apologies! I'm so sorry Tess. Why can't you forgive me?!"

"Because you didn't listen to me. So I'm not listening to you." I huffed turning my attention to the window.

It hard to him I guessed, because he hesitated to speak. "If it wasn't for your boyfriend here practically calling me out, I don't think I would have ever understood..."

"What?" I turned to face Hikaru. His face was red with embarrassment.

"He started throwing things and practically threatened to kill me. He's really aggressive! An he slapped me..." Tamaki pouted.

I sighed. "I don't know if I forgive you. I'm just happy you finally listened to what someone said to you. It just saddens me that you don't listen to me." I shook my head.

"Well, it really hit home for what you said right before you left..." He added.

A lump grew in my throat. I totally forgot I had said all that.

"What did she say?" Finn and Haruhi asked together.

"I guess I should just come out and say it..." I breathed. Preparing myself for the pity voices to erupt.

"I had a sister."

"Had?" Finn looked at me worriedly.

I nodded. "Yeah, she was my twin. I had a twin." I didn't feel sad about saying it. More or less annoyed if that makes any seance.

"I'm so sorry." Finn frowned.

Kyoya nodded. "I was wondering why that locket had a photo of you in it. It didn't look like you completely. So I wondered." He shrugged.

"Anyways, I wanted to thank you for helping me out today." I smiled.

"Wait, I want to know the story." Tamaki stopped me.

"Oh my god." I rolled my eyes. "She passed away about three years ago on my birthday due to heart failure. We good, no questions." I just waned to move past all this depressing stuff. I was happy. I no longer had to worry about being expelled.

"Yeah, I guess." Tamaki slung his head.

"So how did you guys find out it was Sakura?"

Finn smiled. "Well I walked by the classroom and she was fixing something near a desk. And I asked her why she wasn't with you at the host club and she said she forgot to give the teacher something. I shrugged it off at the time and then when I heard the story about you I put two and two together. So the rest of us came up with the idea of giving her a note to meet me by the lockers because I had an 'undying love for her.'" His air quote made his eye roll over to Tamaki.

"Well it was the only thing that would make a lady visit you at the lockers." Tamaki flipped his hair.

"And we just kinda took it from there." Koaru laughed.

"You guys are crazy." I laughed.


The next day was Wednesday and I already wanted to shoot myself in the head. The day was taking forever to go by. All I could do all day was doodle in my notebook. I probably covered over a good 3 pages inside of it. And only half the day was gone.

Just when life couldn't have made my day any worse, I was called down again.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath.

Hikaru's eyes looked horrified. I mouthed 'don't worry' and grabbed my things and headed down again.

Going into the Superintendent's office I sat down in my seat and waited for him to turn his attention to me.

I propped my feet up on his desk and crossed my arms. "Who's money did I steal this time?" My smart remark made him squirm.

"I wanted to apologize..." He bowed his head to me.

I let him go on.

"I should have trusted you more. But you can't honestly blame me. I was only protecting the school rules by following through with them."

"Well, sir. Before you even looked into my bag I feel like you shouldn't have been so easy to point a finger at me. Granted I was the one to give the wallet back but don't you think if I took the money I would have kept the wallet. You know. To hide evidence?"

He looked stupefied. "I must have looked past what was right in front of me."

"And on top of that my parents are now zillionaires so why would I steal a lousy 100,000 yen when I could just ask my parents for money. Honestly sir I don't see where your head was at."

He frowned. "I must have overlooked that as well I'm-"

"And I don't appreciate you gossiping to your son. Do you realize the things he said to me. Honestly if I was more sensitive, something like this situation with those word probably would have costed my life. Teachers don't realize the affect they have on their students. They think they can just say whatever they want because they are grown ups. A bully is a bully sir. No matter what the age."

"You think I was bulling you?" If a grown man was about to cry, this would be his face.

"Harassment is a form of bulling, so yes you were. You tormented with a fragile girls emotions. I understand what you had to do as a teacher, but it still wasn't right for you to jump to conclusions and not even hear my side." I grabbed my bag and pulled my feet off his desk and walked over to the door.

"I accept your apology, but next time don't bring my business to your son so I can go home and kill myself. Unlike some people I actually like waking up breathing." And with that comment I was out the door.

Maybe my comments were going to send that grown man into a fit of crying by he did the same to me. I just gave him a taste of reality.

Life needed to hand his family some lemons so they could make lemonade, drink it, and have a taste if what reality really was.


Sorry for the short chapter! But anyways tell me them feels and thank you for voting, reading and following! Bieeee!!

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