Chapter 37: Bring Back the Past

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I could say I helped finish what we had to do that Friday, but I honestly went home.

Either Hikaru didn't bother finding me or I escaped from school like a ninja. Is it bad to say I secretly wanted him to find me. To tell me the whole thing was a joke. That it never happened. However, we all know it would be a lie.

So in my adventure home Grey seemed to pick up my vibe and didn't talk to me the entire ride. I was grateful

Stepping inside my mom flush with a bunch of news she had been holding in all day.

"I realize your birthday is coming up.." She started.

"I don't want anything."

It was true I didn't want anything more than I didn't need anything. Although, that isn't the whole reason I didn't want anything. My sister died on our birthday. It was hard then, it will be hard now.

"I know I know. Would you let me finish?!" My mom had a way of making me laugh even in my rough situation.

Placing her hand on he hips my mom glanced at me. "So I was wondering if you want to go somewhere or do something. It isn't a gift, per say. So if you have any ideas tell me."

I nodded. "I'll think about it."

"And the bad news.."

"Oh god, tell me. What is it?"

"Your cousins are visiting for the weekend."

"T-this weekend. Like tomorrow!?" I shook my head vigorously. "No,no,no,no,no,no!!! Why!?"

My mom sighed. "They aren't that bad..."

"Mom I haven't seen them since Maria died. All they did was send 'get well soon cards' like I was some suicidal person. Not to mention they are so mean!!! MOM!" The worst part was that they didn't even know she died!!!

It was those family members you saw every Christmas and made every attempt to stay away. We haven't seen them in three years; which is mostly my own doing but I'm getting ahead of myself. To your face, or should I say in front of your parents, they were nice. But behind closed doors, they were monsters.

They used to bully me and call me fat and dumb all the time. My mom always told me they were jealous. Honestly I didn't see why. Back then, we had just as much as they did. So there was no point.

Oh and did I mention they aren't even family!? Yeah they are my mom's friend. Their mother is a saint a swear, but her kids are like little devils.


The day I was dreading was upon us. Saturday.

Throwing on tight jeans and a colorful shirt, I took my time going down stairs.

I didn't bother doing my makeup or hair. My hair naturally curled nicely and I didn't have any blemishes at the moment. Not did I care how underdressed I may have been. I didn't care.

"They're here!" My mom squeaked in the doorway. "Cheryl, I missed you!!" My mom pulled her friend into a tight hug.

"Me too! Oh my god!"

I weaved my way around them and went into the kitchen. This sucked a lot of ass.

"Come in, come it." My mom said. "Oh your boys are taller than me!"

"Mom everyone is taller than you." I was even taller than her.

I felt like an idiot that I just gave away my hiding spot. Goodbye sweet sweet solitude.

"Bryan and Harry, Tess is in the kitchen." I could practically imagine my mom shoving them over to me.

"No I'm not." I sounded back. Pulling a water from the fridge.

Their footsteps came across tile and stopped.

"Where's Maria?" Bryan asked.

I unscrewed the cap of my water and glared at them. "She's dead." I took a sip of my water.

They both laughed at me like I was kidding. I have made that joke before. I shrugged it off.

Bryan had nice thick 'Justin beiber' hair. You know the one that swooped around all float like. Yeah that. It was black and soft. Dimples and green eyes to match. Harry had short stubby hair that was a dark brown, green eyes, and a smirk that was digging into my skin. These kids are horrible.

"No but seriously, where is she?" Harry asked.

"6 feet under.." I took another sip.

"Wait, are you serious?" Bryan asked me. His eyes glued to mine just like his brother's.

I made a fake smile and shook my head a little. "Not kidding."

They just sat there in shock. Who many time have I had to tell people? Like a zillion....

"We're sorry." They both said. Harry bit his bottom lip while Bryan fiddled with his thumbs.

"Just forget about it." I wanted no party of their pity parade. Actually I wanted no part of them to be honest. Before I could even think about making a mad dash upstaires they stopped me.

Harry stood up, fixing his beanie that held his hair nicely. "Wanna show us around?" He smirked.

"Are you sure? This house is huge." The both nodded.

After about an hour only showing them the important rooms, we made it all the way up stairs to my door.

"And my rooms in there." I said petting my cat. I found her walking around the house as we explored.

Harry reached out to open the door, but i swatted his hand away. I put my cat down.

"No! You guys are not going in there." If they did, heaven knows what they might judge me on. I didn't need to be harassed for the day.

Before I could push them away again the pulled open the door and ran inside.

"NO, no, no,no WAIT!" I trucked through.

I was halfway through the door when Harry jumped on my bed and Bryan was looking in my closet.

"Comfy bed you got here." Harry covered his face in my pillows.

"Get off of that!" I jumped on my bed and attempted to kick him off.

I pulled his beanie off and held it high above my head. He was taller than me but it would save some time. I struggled getting off the bed but was pulled back and pinned against my fluffy bed. I stuffed the hat down my shirt in an attempt to stall the commotion.

"I'll just leave you two alone." Bryan winked in the doorway.

"No, wait don-" Harry covered my mouth.

"Give me back my beanie." He pouted.

"Even if I wanted to I couldn't, you're kinda pinning me down." I stated. "If you get off of me I will."

He rolled his emerald eyes. "I'm not that dumb Tess. You'll just run down stairs with it and hide it."

He knew me too well. "Oops." I laughed. "Guess you're not getting it." I grinned.

Harry locked down at my shirt with a questioning look on his face. "Did you stuff it in your shirt?" He asked, looking at the random bulge near my chest.

I started to panic. "If you get off of me I'll get it."

"No no. I got it." He wouldn't.

"Harry... Harry wait. Wait Harry!" His hand was at the bottom of my shirt I could feel the tips of his fingers on my skin. They were so warm and soft.

"Oh don't worry Tess. I wouldn't want to burden you by getting this. Please, I insist." See why I hated these guys.

I squirmed under him. Harry's legs were on either side of my hips making it impossible to shimmy away. I tried pulling my knees up and kick his back but I couldn't really bend that way. I could fight...until you got me pinned down.

His free hand gently tracked my skin, interweaving our heat. Oh god, it feels like another copy room scenario.

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