Chapter 5: Frisky buisness

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"Ugh, what time is it?" I rolled over on the uneven cushion.

"5:30..." Haruhi groaned from my left.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes to get a better look at my surroundings. It was pitch black in the room, the only light glowing inside the room was from the moonlight.

"Pm?" I asked

"No, am." She sounded annoyed.

"Did we pass out after we came back from the beach?" I felt around myself and noticed I still had my bathing suit on, along with a jacket that I was currently using as a blanket.

"I think so. We got back around 8 I think." Haruhi sat up from her spot.

What I thought was a bed, was actually a large 'L' shaped couch. We passed out on the couch.

"Man, I didn't even shower or anything. We didn't even have dinner we were so tired." I stated putting the jacket on myself.

"We didn't even make it to our beds." She fixes her hair a little.

I stood up, eyeing the room, trying to figure out the shapes in the dark.

"Everyone is probably sleeping, I'm going to take a shower and then make some breakfast. Sound good?"

Haruhi nodded. "Sounds like a plan."


After our showers it was 6:25, and not a single person rose from their slumber.

"You don't have to worry, ill make you breakfast as well." I tied my damp hair in a loose bun and draped an apron on.

Haruhi took a seat in the kitchen looking beat. "I'm really sorry, I'm still trying to wake up." I just nodded. "What are you making?" She asked.

"French toast, maybe waffles. What do you like?" I opened the fridge to see my possible ingredients.

She yawned. "The French toast sounds good."

I rubbed my eyes. "Go to bed I your still tired, I'll wake up you up when it's ready." Haruhi shook her head.

"I'll be fine. Besides, I like watching you cook."

"Ok then." I pulled out eggs and opened the cabinets to find cinnamon.

Taking out the bread, I cracked a few eggs in side a bowl and whisked them with a couple spoonfuls of cinnamon. Grabbing slice by slice and drenching it in the eggy cinnamon, then baking on the stove.

"How do you know how to do all I this?" Haruhi asked.

"Maria." I smiled just thinking about her.

Haruhi hesitated. "Your sister?"

I nodded. "Yup."

"What else did she teach you?" She sounded very interested.

"She taught me a lot of things, how to sing, dance, play piano... We were really close."

The corner of my eye I caught a glimpse I her nodding. "You remind me a lot of the twins."

"Well, even though we were almost inseparable, we were so different. Unlike the twins we didn't share to well, we didn't even share a room! Maria was more shy, but also a lot more of a tomboy. But even thought we were so different, we were so alike."

"Must have been hard.."

I turned off the stove and got out the maple syrup.

"Yeah, but you know what it feels like to loose someone so close to you. Your mother..." I dug into my French toast.

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