Chapter 54: Begining To End

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Ok so this is going to be the last chapter of THIS book. It kinda ends weird but I thought over 50 chapters were enough for one book. Now I'm sorry I had to put this in the book, I jut wanted you all to know. Please continue reading on to the next book. If you have any suggestions for a title leave it in the comments. Thank you all for the support!

"It's been a wonderful year, hasn't it?" Tamaki stated gazing into the stars.

The group nodded as another firework blasted through the sky.

It was already the end of the year. So much had happened I couldn't believe the time that flew by. It brought tears to my eyes.

"Let's dance!" Tamaki roared through the crowd of guests.

We were having out annual dance and last year we sorta missed it. I dodged the punch bowl and headed straight for bottled water. I wasn't taking any chances.

All the hosts grabbed a partner and started twirling and dancing so elegantly. Kyoya, stood alone, writing down notes once more. I knew he would dance soon enough but I couldn't help myself from going over there.

"Kyoya?" I asked, peering up to him.

His glasses fell down the brim of his nose. His dark eyes piercing into mine. He studied me before deploying his thoughts.

"Yes, Tess?" He continued writing.

"Please answer me truthfully..."

"Are you insisting I will answer your question?" His gaze hardening.

I shook my head. "No..." I twisted my locket around. "I was only hoping." I scuffed my heel against the tiled floors.

Said boy pushed his pen into his pocket and returned his gaze to me. "What is it?"

"Are you happy?" My question hung around in the air around us.

His eyes squinted, looking further into my eyes. Reading, studying my every move. I wasn't intimidated, I state firm.

"How so?"

I blinked quickly. "In here-this club- are you happy? I know how you study everyone and learn things about them. I was just wondering if any of this made you happy. I mean next year is your final year. I don't want your entire high school experience to be horrible. I hope you are happy..?" I but my bottom lip.

His face still held no emotion, but his eyes grew. Possibly in shock.

"I mean... Tamaki more or less dragged you into this club. You two are such good friends-best friends even. I know you want to make him happy even if you say otherwise. It just- I don't know. Maybe I thought you should meet someone. You know? To make you happy for your final year. Kyoya, your always over working yourself and you never take a break. Please, could you take a break? For me?" I let out a breath.

The tips of his mouth turned up until he let out a small chuckle, throwing his head back. "Is that all?"

I scrunched my face and pursed my lips. "Kyoya Ootori! You have never taken a break in your life! I swear! Give me your book!" I demanded.

Kyoya flinched. "What?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Ugh, I won't look inside. I just want you to let loose."

His gripped tightened around the book, I pretended not to notice.

"Ok, I get that it would feel weird without holding on to it. I get it. I just wish you would take a breather once and a while, Kyoya. Your a sweet guy and you never do anything selfish. Now hand it over." I held out my hands looking up to him.

Kyoya swallowed and stared at me. His onyx eyes bored into me. Sending a chilly vibe down my spine.

I turned my hard look into a soft one. Sighing in disbelief. "Would it kill you to trust someone. Gosh." I smiled gently.

Kyoya laughed through his nose. "I will understand you someday."

Said boy placed the black book into my hands and walked away into the crowd. I squealed after he disappeared. Kyoya Ootori trusted me!


"You are quite lucky, Hikaru." I over heard Kyoya state to Hikaru as I pulled a water bottle from the party table set up. I needed a refill.

"How so?" Hikaru was all the way down. Two tables away from where I was. My super-sonic hearing skills came in handy in these situations.

Kyoya smiled. "You have an interesting girl with you."

I pretended to be off in my own world, not even looking over to them.

"What do you mean? Who? The girl I just danced with?" He poured himself some punch. Many others had snatched a glass, it must have been safe to drink. I still didn't want a glass.

"Tess." Hikaru whipped around to look at Kyoya.

"We broke up..." He almost spat out his drink. His eyes looked like they were going to fall out.

Kyoya shook his head. "I know that. But you mustn't let her go. She quite different. I don't even understand her."

"You don't?" Hikaru tilted his head slightly.

A crowd was gathering to the food table. I could just barley hear over the crowd. I moved a tad closer for a better listen. I could no longer see them.

"No, she's an odd one I'll tell you." Kyoya said. He paused, I assumed to take a sip of his drink. "But heard my warning, she will go fast if you don't stick with her. She has a lovely personality and is very sweet once you get to know her."

I blushed. Kyoya was like a brother to me. I only wish he would open up a little to me.

"Why are you telling me this?" Hikaru asked. He almost sounded angry.

I pictured Kyoya shaking his head slightly. "Because if you won't listen to yourself. I will have to tell you."

The crowd got too noisy and I could no longer see, not hear them. A tall, dirty blonde boy glided over to me.

His hand wrapped around his neck nervously. He looked around the room and ran his hand through his hair.

"Umm, you want to dance?"

I looked up to his brown eyes that darted around the room so I couldn't look to them. I smiled gently at the flustered boy in front of me. He was tall, almost Mori tall. I giggled at his composure and took his hand into mine.

"Come with me." I lead him to the dance floor. His brown eyes looked to mine.

"I didn't think you would say yes.." His head turned. I followed his gaze to a small group of boys. They held their thumbs in the air to his direction. He gushed looking back at me.

"Why wouldn't I?" I pulled his hands a little until we got into our own spot on the floor.

I still had the book in my hands. I tucked it into the sash around my waist, making sure it wouldn't fall out.

"Well.." His hand ran through his hair again. A nervous bit of his. "You're really hot and popular." The blonde chewed his bottom lip.

I laughed. "Why do people think I'm popular?"

He shrugged. "You just are."

"Fair enough."

He hesitated. Waiting for me to make the first move. He was so shy and flustered. I never caught his name.

"What's your name?" I asked before we danced.

"Daichi.. Daichi Yacoato." Daichi smiled.

"Ok Daichi, I'm Tess."

"I knew that." He looked almost confused I didn't use his last name with a suffix or something. I knew that was more appropriate, and that you had to ask to use their first name. But screw it. I wasn't for that life. Your name is your name, I'm using it.

In the end, the last day turned out great. I wasn't expecting anything like it. The room, the laughter, the warm environment. Everyone was gabbing a wonderful time. I wondered what next year would bring me, although I had no idea how it would really turn out.

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