Chapter 35: Thirsty

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You could only imagine how awkward I felt when


was waiting

For me

In the Host Club...

I practically chocked when Finn told me his sister was in the club waiting for me. It took me a minute to remember not only that he had a sister, but to remember who she was.

"H-hey there Eclair. What's up?" I tried my best to be nice. Honestly this chick scared the shit out of me. Her chilling blue eyes made me feel like I was on her death wish.

"Can I speak to you in private?" She asked simply.

I nodded. Leaving the batch of cookies on the table for the rest if the club to eat. She motioned me to the back room of Music Room 3. We mostly used that room for storage, and the piano when it want not in use.

"What can I help you with?" I smiled sheepishly as I turned on the lights.

She crossed her arms and stared at me making me shiver in my own skin. Her eyes were cold, but her intentions were colder.

"I want to know what happened last year." It wasn't a comment, it was a demand.

I tried to reason with her. "A lot of things happened last year. You're going to have to be more specific."

I could see her loosing patience by ever breath she took. "The day I was here."

"Which one? We had two days together. A lot had happened." Seriously if you ask a question you need to be spot on with what you want an answer on. Not all of this vague bullshit.

"Both." She hissed through her too white of teeth.

Can I slap her?

Eclair huffed through her nose and rolled her eyes. "Look I just wanted to ask a few questions."

In the nicest manner I could respond with I said. "Please do."

"Why did you think you needed to help Tamaki?"

The question hung in the air before I could process it. I didn't know how to answer. No matter how complex I wanted to look at it, it only came down to a five worded sentence.

"Because he is my friend." What more could she have asked for?

"I get that but,... Why did you think he didn't want to be engaged to me?"

"Not to be rude but, why are you asking me this? It happened a year ago. If you really want Tamaki's D so bad you should ask him yourself. I'm afraid you'll only get one answer though." The last part I muttered to myself.

She uncrossed her arms uncomfortably. "Wait, what? Ugh, no. I wanted to ask you why. It just didn't seem much sense at the time for you to butt in."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up. You think I butted in..?"

"That's what I said." This girl..

I needed to sit. "I wasn't the one who forced him to marry me. But yes I guess you could say I butted in."

"What did you say?" Eclair spoke through gritted teeth.

The bell rang saving me from this... Witch.

I glanced at the clock picking up my bag that was in the storage room.

"Ok the bell rang. Unlike some people I have a life. And I'm not going to waist it on trying to get back with a guy that didn't want me in the first place. Now if you excuse me I-" I put my hand on the door just about to open it before she cut me off.

"Excuse me?!" I was expecting her to do a 'z' snap, but she didn't.

I sighed. "I don't have time to talk to a girl with the name of a French pastry, who is thirstier than a fat kid with a big gulp. I understand your need for Tamaki's D right, now but sadly you lost your place. Somehow he managed to get another girl to like him. One who doesn't flip a tit after what happened A YEAR AGO."

I don't know how I managed to stop telling her off, but I did. Maybe I was harsh but she needed to get a grip. It's been a year. If she wanted Tamaki so bad why didn't she just go talk to him. He was right there. And before you yell at me, I was being nice at first. Some people don't know when to stop.

I was lucky the future held no sight of any French girls coming back to me anytime soon. Sadly, one important factor to remember when you tell someone off:

Never forget you go to school with their brother.

So I had three ideas for this chapter and so yeah. The second time I wrote it it got deleted. I was in school and I guess something happened with the wifi when I got home because when I refreshed my page it was gone. Sooooo that's why it took so long to update. Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment your feels. Thank you, bieeeeee!!!!

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