Chapter 17: Twin Fling

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Staring up at the ceiling I couldn't fall asleep and it was already 2:30 in the morning.

"Well this sucks..." I muttered to myself.

The twins maids let me borrow pajamas form- well they never told me why they had girl's pajamas but I assumed every rich house just carried around gender friendly clothing for whomever. The fact of the matter was I had no idea why I was up. Sure my drunkenness wore off hours ago but you would think that would pass a person out on the spot, or even make them throw up or something.

Getting up off the guest bed, while was too comfy for my tastes, I made my way down the ever dark hallways. There were no light switches so the only logical answer was that they turned them all on with some remote or something.

"This place is so... empty." Sure halls were halls for a reason. Open and roomy so you could walk down them with ease, but the way the walls were covered in paper and the ceilings were unnecessarily high, I just felt exposed. Or maybe I was homesick.

'Or lonely.' My mind thought for itself.

'I'm no Cinderella, I can fight for myself and I'm plenty happy.' I fought my own mind.

It was weird, fighting myself. They say your going crazy if you start talking to yourself. Maybe I really was.

"Where am I anyways?" I looked to the front of me, then the back. The halls both disappeared into the darkness and felt like they went on forever. I forgot how many rooms I had passed and how many turns I took.

"Well fuck..." I muttered to myself a huffing my heel against the rug.

A dim light caught my eye to the right when the door of a room was slightly opened. I peaked inside, hoping for a maid or someone that knew their place around, but sadly there looked only to be an unoccupied bed and a dresser with other furniture.

"Tess?" The voice whispered in front of me.

I jumped back scared shitless. Choking down my fears I looked around squinting to manage to find a shadowy figure sit up off the bed.

"It's Hikaru, why are you up?" Hikaru walked out of the doorway, closing his bedroom door behind him.

"I couldn't sleep.."

"Me too." He sighed rubbing his eyes to stay awake.

"Wanna get a drink or something?" His eyes glowed like a cats in the dark light, they were beautiful.

He shook his head, making a mess of his already messy mane. "Unless you want to walk down a few thousand stairs to get to the kitchen."

I giggled quietly. "That's a no."

The moon's light appeared from the uncovered windows on to us. That is when I noticed Hikaru was shirtless, and I was staring, which couldn't really be helped because his collarbone was practically at eye-level.

"Are you not wearing pants?" Hikaru looked down at my bear legs.

I tugged at the end of the shirt slightly, biting my bottom lip. "Yeah.. I normally don't and I didn't think anyone would notice until I woke up and put them on." I laughed at myself.


"Why what?" I pulled my hair out of the messy bun that it sat in off the top of my head.

"No pants?" The boy gave a perplexed look.

"I could ask the same for you being shirtless. I thought you and Koaru slept together?" Maybe it was just how close they were but Maria and I never really slept together. We did when we were younger because I got scared easily, but ever since we turned 8 we got our own rooms. I placed a hand on my neck less and zoned back into the conversation.

"I get over heated if I wear one." He told me.

I nodded. "And I do if my legs are covered."

"No shorts?"

"No tank top?"

"Well then."

"It is very well then." We laughed. "So why do you and Koaru sleep together? I get that your twins but..."

"I guess you just don't understand." He shrugged.

I bit down on my bottom lip harder than before. "Well I HAVE siblings."

"Are you close?"

I swallowed down the rock in my throat and looked away from his eyes. "Yup."

"Guess it's a twin thing.."

What he said hurt. Not for what he meant, just the content. 'Guess it's a twin thing...'
'A twin thing..'
'Twin thing.'

It hurt, bad.

"Yeah, I'll head back to the guest room so..."

Hikaru stopped me. "Are you ok?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I just don't think I remember where my room is." I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb I was.

The red head laughed. "Ok ill bring you to it."


"Here it is. The guest room." He opened the door for me.

I nodded a thank you and walked in. "Hikaru," I didn't turn to face him.

"Yes?" He caught on to my low tone and spoke softly to match me.

"I've been meaning to ask you something..." Even though I couldn't see him I could feel how much he wanted to know the question. "What would you do without Koaru?"

The question fell off me like a thousand story building, and I was falling. Waiting to reach the bottom. Watch as it slowly and slowly got closer and closer until I felt I could almost reach out and touch it. The wind would be blowing past my ears making it feel like everything was going in slow motion. But that's the problem about falling when there is nothing to grab on to, you are waiting to strike the ground. You are just waiting to die.

"What do you mean?" He stepped closer.

"What would you do if Koaru... Died." I breathed.

Maybe to him this felt like a question he never wanted to answer, but it was something he had to face if it did.

"I would be very upset, probably wouldn't go to school, I-I don't know I would be so ...."


"Well yeah, I don't have any other siblings and not to mention he's my twin, he my best friend." He answered with much love in his voice.

I shifted my weight on and off different feet. "So your saying if you had sibling that it would be easier?"

Hikaru swallowed. "I-I don't really want to think about this I-"

I turned to face him.

"Tess!" His voice cracked when he looked at me.

"Are you alright?" Hikaru's hands pulled my shoulders to him and embraced me in a warm hug. My small hands joined together at him back.

"It's ok... It's ok..." He repeated into my hair, drawing circles in my back. How funny how we help each other out on the same night but using the same tactics.

I didn't know I was crying until I felt my face which was damp. He pulled away so I could look at his face, or the opposite.

"Why are you sad?"

I choose to ignore it with a shake of my head, he caught on.

"There there." He pulled me to the bed and lay my body down on it, coating me in blankets.

I lifted out my arms for him. As sad as it sounded, I needed him to hold me. I didn't want to be alone. I wanted someone to hold me and tell me that everything was going to be alright. And he did just that.

I pulled the covers over him so he could join me under the sheets. Our feet touched and his toes were frozen.

"Why are you so cold?" I asked him wiping away my tears that were mostly gone.

Hikaru laughed. "Cold blooded?"

I join him. "Clearly.." I reache for his hands. "Are you always cold?" I rubbed my thumbs on the tops of his hands.

"Yes, I need permanent mittens or something." He replied with a goofy comment.

"Why not just put them in your pockets or something warm 24/7?" I joshed.

His face turned in a sky grin. "You're warm..."

My body stiffened when his hands touched my waist. Even through the fabric of my cotton shirt I could feel his icy hands spread the chills down my body.

"And you're freezing! Don't touch me if your cold, keep your coldness to yourself." Moving to the middle of the bed.

"No fair!" I could hear the pout in his voice.

His hands landed on my stomach and I gave him a warning glare. "Don't, I'm really ticklish!"

And just as I told him not to, he did. He wiggled his fingers in a manner that my insides flipped and made me burn with laughter.

"No! Please! Stop." Hikaru's left hand fell over my lips to cover my screams. He stopped tickling when became a good enough match that I was winning.

His lean body lingered over my small frame. His pupils were dilated and focused on my face. I could feel myself blush a deep red making my skin burn, my entire body had to have been red by now.

"Tess..." He moaned cutting the air between us to my lips.

Of course I had to end it here, duh. Just to piss you the fuck off that you have to practically wait another day or so. Wow I'm so evil to my readers.... Maybe that's why nobody likes to comment ;-; no Jk jkjkjj kl but yeah you can probably guess what's going down now, but how do you guys feel about lemon...? Are you for it or not? Do you want them to get freaky in the sheet or just have make-out take out!?!? I need answers!!!!??? Thank you all for reading, bieeee!!

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