Chapter 45: Red

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It was hard to walk down the halls and no look paranoid. The thought that there was some guy that wanted to see me actually scared me. I kept running my brain with different people and aspects that would fit.

One that seemed logical was:

A) Hikaru actually sent the bouquet and wanted to meet up with me. Making Finn the one who sent the 'sorry' rose. He probably sent it because he felt bad about what happened at his house.

The other was something partly logical.

B) Finn sent the bouquet and wanted to see me for... Something.

And C, which was utterly illogical but I couldn't help but get it out of my head was:

C) So psychotic ax man wanted to chop off my head in a rose garden.

Ok, ok... Sure. The last one was far off from any real resort of logic. But I couldn't help it. The note seemed fishy, no matter how sweet smelling the package was. It had murder written all over it. Maybe not murder, but defiantly not so cutely-cuddle me feel that I was hoping for.

The rose garden was empty and quite. Just what I had assumed for murder. Cute.

The note didn't have any specific place of where I should be, but out in the open seemed too real. I wanted them to see me not cut me open with their ax.

"Umm hello?" I asked walking around. If I kept moving maybe they wouldn't be able to get me.

Once I felt comfortable- and didn't feel like some ax maniac was going to chop off my head- I sat down.

'Why are you getting so worked up? What if it is some really hot guy that wanted to see you and talk to you?' My brain talked to me.

I shook off any feeling of any doubt or unacceptable behavior. I didn't know why I was so worried. Why would I have to be? Yes, why would I?

The better question is why did I stop...

In a blink of an eye my body was doused with a red substance. A few thumps sounded. .My eyes shut tight as I gripped on the sides of the benches. I could feel the cold liquid slide down my hair and body. I spit out any that got into my mouth.


My hand wiped the access gel-like substance off my eyelids. I could finally see. Nobody was around me and I heard nothing. I turned around to two empty buckets that had residue of strawberries in it. The window above me was wide opened and I only assumed the culprit used that as a means of easy escape.

My eye flashed with tears. Why me!? That's all I ever wanted to know. Why me!? What did I do!?

My thoughts came to the best of me and my feet were going 100 miles an hour through the school. The halls were littered with my red footprints as I made a mad dash to safety.

People passed by me with ascu expressions and dismembered faces. My vision was so blurred I didn't know how my mind knew to put one foot in front of the other.

My day was becoming the color of the roses that were sent to me. Red.

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