Chapter 25: Unhappy Holidays

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The winter break was over and Christmas was over. It was really dreadful that I had to go back to school today. It felt like the first day of school, you know the feeling, you come back from months of vacation to go to school. And on the first day your just like.. Why? Why am I even here? But none the less I was really dreading it because of what happened over the break.

"Hey Tess." Sakura stopped me in the hallways.

"Hey!" I walked over to her. "So how come you didn't come to the Host party, I didn't see you?"

Sakura shrugged. "I'm not a big party person."

"I gotchu. You didn't miss much." That was a load of crap.

We ended up parting ways and headed to our homeroom classes. I was beyond scared, Hikaru an I had the same classes, how do you avoid someone you see all day? Simple, you cry about it.

No, I didn't cry, but I sure as hell wanted to. I didn't want to hate him but after what he said to me I didn't know what to feel.

Was I suppose to apologize or was he? Was I even wrong for what I said? Did I push it too far? What if we never made up? Could we still be friends?

I wasn't scared to see him, I was scared to lose him.

Remembering all the wonderful moments we had together I really shouldn't have put him down. After all, the whole fight started because of me. I should have just agreed that a lot of this could have been stopped if I had just told everyone earlier. But could you really blame me? It's not a story you just throw out there.

He was right and I was wrong. I just had to get that through my head. All I needed to do was apologize and see where it got us. If he didn't except my apology I could move on knowing I tried.

Who was I kidding? Moving on! I couldn't, but I had to see where we were at this point. I had to try.

I passed a simple note over to his desk. He didn't look up he just opened the note, read it, wrote something down, and passed it back. I told him we needed to talk and he just said 'ok'.


Class let out and I headed to the Host Club, almost forgetting about the note. Before I set foot to the hallway I waited for Hikaru to get out of the desk, he didn't. The teacher was even gone by now.

"Umm... Hikaru, the class let out." I padded over to his seat.

He still didn't look up at me. Anxiety was cording through me, I needed to hear him say something. Anything.

"I guess I'll just start, umm.."

I began to talk really fast, I was super nervous. "I'm really sorry for everything I said. You were right, it is my fault that all this drama occurs. I could have stopped it if I had just told everyone. I was really selfish to not think about everyone's feelings. You're really important to me and I feel bad I wasn't listening to what you had to say! You don't have to forgive me... I don't deserve your kindness. That's all I wanted to say..."

I breathed. "I'll just go." I turned to the door

"Tess.." Hikaru stopped me.

"Yes?" I turned around, he was finally looking at me.

"You shouldn't be sorry. I would have done the same thing. I don't know what I would have done without Koaru. It hurts to even think about it. I was a jerk, you were only sticking up for yourself. I'M sorry, you have nothing to apologize for. And you care so much about people, you always worry about the dumbest things." His hands were cold against my cheek.

"I'm sorry... I don't mean to."

He shushed me. "An you always apologize when you don't need to."

"I'm sorry- wait no! Sorry! Shoot! Wait! I didn't!-"

Hikaru stopped me with a kiss. I could feel my knees buckle and I felt like I was going to fall on the ground if it weren't for Hikaru's knee in between my legs. That made me feel even more embarrassed. My body shivered.

"You always get so warm when ever I touch you..." He purred against my ear.

I blushed a deeper crimson. "D-don't say that."

"It's adorable." Our eyes met.

"Don't!" My face swelled with heat. I covered my sweltering face with my just as heated hands.

He pulled my hands away and looked at my embarrassed face. "Don't what?" I was pushed against a wall.

"You embarrass me so much.." I pouted.

Hikaru smiled. "Because when you do your face looks as red as a cherry. And I know I'm the only one who can cause that."

"Hikaru.." I whispered.

How cliche of us to commix ourselves inside of a classroom. Even after our vexatious week, we still could have an osculation. Maybe I was dumb, but I was happy. After all ignorance is bliss.


Just to clarify the book is not over, my friend was like. Is that the final chapter. So no, it is not. And gobble gobble everyone (that celebrates) Happy Thanksgiving y'all. Since it's a pretty happy holiday I thought why not put you in a better mood by getting them back together. Sound fair? Anyways have fun eating Turkey!! Bie!!!!

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