Chapter 39: 'Slutting Around'

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All I wanted was a break. A single break. And by this point I was getting sick of all of this bullshit that was popping up out of nowhere. By this point I just didn't give a fuck.

"You." The same girl Hikaru made out with in the copy room came up to me.

"Me?" I looked at her.

She was a little taller than me, a little shorter than Hikaru. In between. She had firetruck red hair that I assumed was from the bottle and her perfectly manicured finger was pointed in my face.

"You never stop do you?" By this point I was half-passed done.

"Well I have to sleep, so I do stop."

"What?" She snarled at me. I didn't even know her name.

At this point her group of friends clustered around us. I guess she thought it would be more intimidating, but I was so pissed my emotions had no room to feel uncomfortable.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Why did she even feel the need to talk to me? He was my boyfriend first. In fact I had never seen her around before that dreadful day. How did she even know it was me. I rushed out of the room so fast that if you couldn't tell me from a sideways glance you wouldn't know who I was. Maybe the blonde hair gave it away.

Her nails dug into me when she pulled my shoulder back. "Who do you think you are?"

I rolled my eyes again, the bell rang and I was already late. "Ok, what do you want?" I turned around to face her and her crew.

"What kind of girl do you think you are slutting around with all the hot guys?"

The word made me cringe. I hated that word. But I had to hold myself back. I was going to stay calm and handle this in a way only I knew how.

"The kind of girl that can slut around with hot boys." With sass.

"Excuse me?" She crossed her brows and looks around her group of friends, checking out their stunned faces.

"You're excused." I continued walking. There was no chance I was going to make to class on time at all.

A few kids crowded around us. Like they didn't need to be in class or anything? I guess nobody wanted to go to class today.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" She crossed her arms giving me a scowling look.

"Some girl that obviously can't get hot boys.."

"That's it..." She started to take out her hoop earring and I wanted to cry of laughter.

I could only imagine her next line being 'hold mah earring gurl'. I was in a fit of laughter by the time she finished taking off her earring. For what I could see through my now teared up face she was standing over me. Waiting.

I sobered up leaving a few giggles here and there when I brought myself up. "Are you trying to fight me?" I rose a brow with a laugh. She was kidding right?

"What, can you not handle me?" She pulled up her sleeves on her dress and looked at me like she probably would if she saw a rat.

I was fairly surprised a teacher or someone didn't show up. We had a full-blown fighting circle around us. Was this school full of idiots. I don't think I've ever paid this much to loose brain cells on a daily basis.

"Are you sure?" I stood still, making sure everyone was clear on what was about to go down.

"Yes." She grinned bringing her fists to her face.

"Well alright." I pushed through the circle and kept walking. I heard murmurs of confusion.

"Are you going to come back and fight?" She spat.

"Oh sorry, I just don't fight jokes." I sashayed down most of the hallway before I could hear shoes running after me.

"Seriously, what the hell do you think you are doing?" Her temper was boiling. I smirked at the thought of her trying to diss me. Key word: Try.

I sighed turning around to face her. Would this bitch just get off my dick already. I was way passed late for class, the last thing I needed was ISS.

"Walking away from a joke. Did you not hear me the first time, Princess?"

"You're just a bitch!" She hissed.

"Never said I wasn't." I adjusted the strap of my bag higher up on my shoulder. Could she just..go?

"How can you be so calm!?" The group of people that had circled us previously was once again, surrounding us.

"Because I just don't care?" It was more of a statement than a question.

She twirled her red hair around her finger. "Well you seemed to care a lot when I was making out with your boyfriend." The 'ooo' from the crowd filled me with anger

I tightened my grip on my bag. It hurt, but it was true. I needed a come back and fast. "Sure as hell wasn't good if he came back to me then..." Check mate.

The 'ooo'ing roared even louder when I stepped out of the circle again.

The only thing I cared about was not getting in school suspension.

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