Chapter 21: Caught

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I was back to the age of five, where coloring on the wall and getting a scold from my parents had matched the scariness of the monsters under my bed. Where in middle school I was petrified getting an f on my math midterm. Or when finding out you ruined that new dress your mom wanted you to wear on picture day. All of that seemed like a walk in the park when you were face to face with a boy you could have draped yourself over in half a second, while your club was staring you down from across the kitchen. Yes, the failed final, ruined dress, parents and monsters that lived under your bed couldn't compete with the feeling of your stomach drop just like this could.

It was a feeling all on its own. You wanna know the funny part? The funny part wasn't that you were actually caught doing anything, it was the guilt eating away at you like you cheated on that final that you failed.

I could have cried about it right there, but seeing Hikaru's fist collide with Finn's face dramatically pause the tears from falling.

"Hikaru, STOP!"

They were on the ground, pushing, hitting, kicking, throwing, and beating the life out of one another.

"Guys, please!" I begged once more. Pulling myself to the floor to stop one another.

Hands pushed and shoved and were tangled up together. Clinging onto each others clothing and tearing one another apart. I felt something drop off of me but I couldn't care at this point, I needed to stop them. With no help from the three men that stood watching over us.

I managed to pry Hikaru's body off of Finn's. While doing so I pressed my back to Hikaru preventing Finn from coming any closer and Hikaru from getting another punch in.

"What the hell!" I screamed at the boys who were just acting like animals. "What do you think you were doing?"

"Protecting you." Hikaru gave a snarl look over to Finn.

"From what?!" I talked with my hands.

"Him!" Hikaru spat. No he literally spat on my floor, it was blood. I cringed.

"Why!" I couldn't care about my bloody tiles while this question hung in the air.

Hikaru stiffened. "He was all over you."

I stopped myself from remarking a 'so' and left with a "What" instead.

"His hands were all over you." Hikaru pointed out.

I stopped mid-thought and brought up something that ran through my mind. "Wait, you just fucking WALKED INTO MY HOUSE. I heard a knock at the door next think I know your on the floor with Finn! What the hell!"

"When I found out Frenchie over here was coming to your house, I flipped." Hikaru added.

"What do you mean 'found out'?!" I was utterly puzzled. What the hell was going on.

"Frenchie?" I heard Finn slur in the background.

Hikaru huffed, relaxing his muscles. Taking a deep breath he began. "After Tamaki found out about you sleeping over our place then we went to breakfast , after he left with Kyoya."

I nodded reassuring him I was listening.

"Kyoya brought up the thing about the spiked punch after we left and Tamaki got all mad. He called Financier to ask him what he did at the party, and told him he was mostly with you and was heading over there right now. Reassuring Tamaki that no one in the host club spiked the punch. Later he called me asking me what I knew about all of it and I told him you got drunk. He got all mad again and started yelling saying that it was all our faults that that happened. And in his fit of rage he said something about Financier leaving and going over to your place. I hung up, Koaru dragged along, Tamaki and Kyoya drove up to your house just before we did, and I just let myself in." He sighed after his big speech.

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