Chapter 19: The Breakfast Club

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"So what's for breakfast?" I yawned trotting down the stairs.

"Why do you walk like that?" Hikaru asked behind me.

"Like what?" I looked down at my feet. "Oh.... I- I don't know I just..." I flushed. No one really talked about the fact I always walked on my tippy-toes when bear foot. It was weird, and I never paid much mind to it unless someone pointed it out.

We moved into the kitchen laughing about how awesome of a ballerina I would be, until we heard a large throat being cleared behind us.

"Where were you?" Koaru rose a brow at us from the island.

I shrugged walking over to the fridge helping myself to a bottle of water.

"In bed, sleeping. What most people do at.." I checked the clock. "8 o'clock on a weekend."

Koaru slapped a palm on his forehead an Hikaru stood awkwardly between us.

I sipped a bit of the drink before screwing the cap back on and pursing my lips. "What am I missing here?"

"The fact that you two slept together! Oh god you are so lucky my parents weren't home and god forbid you-"

"Yo kill bro..." I took another sip of my water. "I don't see the big deal."

"The... The-the big deal." Koaru quickly got up from his seat.

"Yeah, so what? We shared a bed." I grinned. "Oooo!!" I made a fake spooky noise wiggling my hands around like a two year old would if they were trying to scare you.

Koaru folded his arms. "You can't be serious." He shook his head.

"Ok look at it this way."

He made a face practically saying 'I'm all ears'.

"We've done it before."

Hikaru spit out his water and choked a little before staring at me wide-eyed.

"That one time Tamaki left you and I at my place... Remember they went out to breakfast or something."

"Are you mad woman!" Koaru gripped his hair.


"You had sex already!?"

"Woah woah woah woah!!!" I flared my arms around. "I said no such thing. We S-L-E-P-T, as in Shared. A. Bed. Mmm, compadre??" I nodded.

Koaru placed his hand over his heart and took a deep breath. "Oh thank god." He pointed a finger at me. "But I'm still mad.

"For what now!" I wined. It was 8 in the morning, and even though I slept great I had a little more than 5 hours sleep.

"You still slept together."

"Oh boo-hoo, cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it!"

Koaru's face was unimpressed.

"So breakfast though?" I smiled wide.


"You stayed over the twins house!?!?" Tamaki shook my shoulders in the doorway.

"Hello to you to.." I deadpanned.

Tamaki looked behind me at the twins smirking. Koaru was defiantly still mad at me but he never cease to stop trying to annoy Tamaki. The poor little blonde boy...

"Are you in their pajamas! What happened! Did they touch you!" He gripped my shoulders tighter.

"I literally just want fucking breakfast. Do you guys not eat, or something?" I woke up 2 hours ago and I still haven't eaten. I was cranky.

I walked back inside, not caring about any of the questions he had asked.

"Wait answer me!"

"Yeah yeah!" I waved my hands behind me, going back to my stop in the kitchen.

Tamaki stormed back in crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't see why your mad at me." I dropped my feet on the seat next to me. "It was Kyoya's idea."

His purple eyes widened and moved to Kyoya. Kyoya sighed and pushed up his glasses.

"I was trying to tell you but-" Kyoya started.

"And you didn't tell me!"

"Because you interrupted me.." He sighed.

"Why couldn't she go to Haruhi's or even your place?" Tamaki asked.

"Boss chill nothing happened." Koaru reassured Tamaki.

I couldn't help but laugh at how he was trying to calm down Tamaki, when less than and hour ago he was freaking out about the same thing.

Tamaki pointed to me in worry. "Why.... Why are you laughing?"

I chuckled. "It's nothing." I lied.

"Tell me!"

"I'll tell you if we go out to breakfast."


Sorry for the filler but I couldn't resist getting Tamaki involved. Wow, I'm doing this in school!! Oooo I'm a rebel. No I'm not my teacher doesn't even care. So tell me what you think and how you feel about this chapter. Also, what do you thinks going to happen with Finn and Hikaru!!!?!? Ooo scary! Thanks for voting and commenting, bieee!!!

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