Chapter 36: Last Straw

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You would think after all this drama I would finally have a break. Well, you thought wrong. You see Ouran has this weird way of fucking with me that I never thought possible. May I remind you this all took place in a matter of minutes.

Actually, it started with a question.

"Tess." Finn called out to me in the host club.

It was a Friday so everyone was just waiting for the bell to ring at the sound of a much needed weekend. That my friend was something I desperately needed.

Sadly, the whole club hadn't allowed guests today because a school fair was being held this weekend. Everyone was pushing one another trying to get everything ready. The door was constantly being pushed opened from people leaving and coming back. It was a mess.

"Yeah, whatcha need?" I placed all the pan that we needed from the cafe to the club. I just go back, what did he need?!

"Can you give these to Hikaru in the printing room. It's right near the office. You can't miss it. Tell him we need ten copies of each." He handed me a pinkish colored paper. "We need to give them to a few companies so they can make flyers and such for us."

I skimmed through it a little and smiled. Easy task.

"Ok!" I grinned. Making my way back downstairs I found a few unmarked doors near the office.

I pushed open the first one and I wouldn't budge. The second was dark and had brooms and mops and stuff.

Finally I reached what looked like a copy room. The only reason I say that is because it had a window that I could see Hikaru in.

I was about to wave to him when I saw another girl come into view. She rapped her arms around him, pressing him to the copy machine an kissed him.

The papers covered the the surrounding floor around me. I rushed to pick them all up, some flew farther than others an I picked them up so fast some of the edges ripped. Opening the door to the copy center I slammed the papers in the available desk to my right.

The couple pushed off each other with scared eye over to me. I could see Hikaru's eyes practically scream.

Rushing out of the room I crashed the door closed and trailed off down the hallway. My running was sloppy from the tears blurring my vision. But I could see well enough to hide in the girls' bathroom.

I pushed myself into a stall an locked it. Bringing my knees to my chest and sobbing into them. My heart was crush and stepped on. It wasn't like he made an effort to push her away or look even remotely scared.

He wanted to. That had to be the worst part. Knowing your own boyfriend WANTED to cheat on you. He's probably done a lot more than kiss her by the looks of it. Probably even....

I couldn't bring my own mind to finish the thought. This was evil. Too evil. He was rubbing it in my face. He was scared, scared that I caught him. Not because he knew how I would feel. Just his own ego being demolished.

And I couldn't blame her for it. She looked just as petrified. Maybe he met her from the club. That IS what they did after all. They played with girls emotions so they fawned over them. Just to swoon then in so they could kiss their lips and see inside their skirts.

That was it. The final straw. After multiple instances of horrible experiences with Tamaki and the Host Club all together. I was trough. I was quitting the Host Club and that was final.

Please tell me what you thought, an thank you for reading voting an commenting. I need to post an author's note after this but it has nothing to do with the chapter but I would much appreciate it if you read it. Thank you, biiieee!!!!

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