Chapter 44: Love or Death

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A few days passed and it soon came to be my birthday. I hadn't seen Hikaru at school from the time we broke it off. It was only 2 days, but it still mattered.

I didn't plan on going to school this dreadful day, but of course I had to.

"I know you don't want to but..." My mom egged me to go.

"Fine, ill just go." I was in no mood to argue.

School was as terrible as ever. And not for the reason you think. There were couples everywhere kissing it up all in my face. That day was the worst time of the year.

Valentine's Day.

Oh how this holiday found it's way into the depths of my skin. It crawled under there like a bug and ruined my day.

"Oh Lee! You're the best boyfriend ever!" A girl gushed at the sight of a rose in her boyfriend's hands.

I rolled my eyes. Ok maybe I was being a sourpuss about this day, but could you blame me? I mean really? I thought getting to class was bad, when I got to class it was worse. Everyone was all over each other and I chose to zone out for the day.

Hikaru was at school, but he sat in the front of the class and didn't make eye contact with me all day. Well, I didn't make any with him so...


During lunch there was a booth set up with roses. You payed a yen to get a rose sent to your crush. I thought it was cute so I sent one to Haruhi with a note.

'Go easy on Tamaki today, Love Tess. Xoxo'

The card was minuscule so I ha almost no space to write.

"When are you going to hand these out?" I asked the girl passing out note cards to the people that paid.

"At the end of the day, right before clubs start." She smiled and rearranged the roses.

After lunch I zoned out again, barley paying attention to anything. It was like as if the day was on fast forward or something. The day came to an end and just before I thought the clubs had started the teacher stopped us.

"So I'm pretty sure you are all anxious to get your roses. They should be here any-"

Two students opened the classroom door with a cart or roses. A CART. I didn't know so many people were into today.

Girls pushed to the front of the room anticipating their hearts desires for the thorn coated flower. I loved roses. They were my favorite. But all the red was making my head dizzy. Luckily, a few girls got white flowers. I felt like that was an omen... Something about death or something? Whatever it was, I sure as hell didn't need a white rose being sent to me.

"Tess right?" A tall, brown haired boy asked me.

I nodded. "Yup!"

He handed me a bouquet and a few single flowers. My eyes widened at the dozens of roses filling my arms. Envy filled eyes dared to look my way. I was shocked, completely shocked.

"Uh... Thanks?" I said tossing all the flowers on top of my desk.

One note was from Haruhi, telling me to cheer up. The note made me smile when I saw her across the room eyeing me. The second note was for another red rose from some boy who I never heard of. My cheeks flamed at the thought of a mystery boy liking me. Another rose, pink this time just said 'sorry'. I assumed it was Hikaru.

I almost wanted to rush over there and hug him. But when I looked up from the letter and saw him across the room he looked pissed. Someone jealous I got a bunch of roses!

I stopped in my thoughts to look back down at my desk. "Then who sent the bouquet?" I whispered to myself.

Rusting trough the flowers I found a note.

'Meet me at the rose garden during club hours. -X'

Was this a love letter or death sentence?

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