Chapter 28: Sweet and Sour

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(Oops don't read this...)

(I'm serious!!!)

(I'm warning you!!!)

(No Jk go ahead....)

(If you dare!!!! Mwahhahah!!)


"My mom said it was ok." I guess she didn't care anymore since everyone and their mother has a guest room in their house. But idk if I'll even get to the guest room.... Oops.

If you asked me any other day about how I felt sleeping over a guys house, I would probably shrug it off and tell you that it wouldn't faze me. But when your home, alone, with a boy that you wanted to stick your tongue down his throat... It was a different story.

"That's cool, you hungry?" Hikaru asked calmly.

I nodded. I feared I I talked I would sound nervous as hell, which I was.

We went down stairs to find the entire house empty. No maids, no parents, no nothing. This had to be a fucking joke.

"Where is everyone." I played it off with the unfazed, bored, sounding voice.

Hikaru made a questionable face. "Well my parents are on a trip, working. And Koaru is staying over a friends house. I guess the maids when home for the weekend. They usually leave when nobody's home." A valid statement.

"So what do you want to eat?" He continued.

"Ummm... I don't know, whatcha got?" I sat down at the island.

"Anything you want, really."

"Ok wow show off. Could you make me a lobster with a side of solid gold fries and a turkey dinner?" I joked.

Hikaru laughed. "Probably."

"Wow, fake!" We laughed together.

Since his choices were so vague I asked for the dumbest thing ever.

"Can I have a bagel?"

"A what?"

"Do you guys not have bagels or something?" That's like saying you don't have cereal or toast.

"What are bagels?"

I guess most people in Japan don't know what bagels are. It's more of a English food. My bad.

"Just toast is fine." I laughed. I needed to make a mental note to get Hikaru to eat a bagel. "Are you not eating?" I asked as he put the bread down.

"No, I'm not really that hungry." He shrugged.

I tapped my nails against the counter top thinking over my day. "So who's house did Koaru sleep over?"

"I don't really know, some kid from school." The toast popped. "Do you want butter?"

"Yeah that's fine." I agreed. "It surprises me that you actually didn't go with Koaru. You guys are almost inseparable."

Hikaru buttered the toast. "I'd much rather hang out with you."

"Wait, what would you do all night if I didn't stay over." I thought it through. "Wait! You knew I was going to stay, didn't you?!"

Hikaru laughed. "Is that a bad thing that I know you?"

I twirled the ends of my hair and bit my bottom lip. "I guess not.."

He placed the plate on the counter in front of me.



I took a bite of the toast, making sure my lips didn't hit it.

"Why do you eat like that?" I spotted him eyeing me. I chewed with a confused look. "Why do you make sure your lips don't touch what your ratting?"

I swallowed. "I don't like the feeling. Is that weird?" I half laughed, sticking the toast in my mouth again.

"You're so cute." He gushed.

Oh dear, there goes my face. I stuffed the rest of the toast in my mouth. Why was he staring at me!?

"I knew that would make you blush." He grinned.

I swear this kid is going to be the death of me. Who asked him to narrate me!?

"Don't make that face." He walked on the other side of the table, over to me.

I chewed my toast vigorously. I was so peeved, he didn't know my story. Ok he did, but it was funny in my head.

"Don't be mad at me..." Hikaru hugged my sides. He knew all my weaknesses by now.

I pouted after I finished my toast.

"Come on, you can't stay mad at me..." He whispered into my ear, nibbling the shell after.

Luckily I was sitting, I could feel my legs go numb.

"D-Don't... Don't do that... Uhh." I moaned, pulling my hands up under my chin.

He trialled kisses down my neck, stopping at my shoulder. I turned around to look at him to have my lips tackled by his. He won over dominance and pushed me against the counter. His hands, which were always cold, lifted me up and place me on the island so we were level. The counters were frozen on my now heated skin.

Hikaru's jeans brushed against my bare thighs sending shivers down my back. My thighs shook when he placed his hands on them.

"See, can't stay mad..."

"You're so mean to me." I pouted moving my face to the side.

"No I'm not." He pushed his face into my neck.

"Yes you are." My body stiffened at every bit he made.

Lifting me up off the counter, Hikaru pulled me over his shoulder and walked up stairs.

I punched his back lightly trying not to hurt him. "Put me down!"

"I wouldn't move if I were you, I've got a great view." The smirk was evident in his tone.

My face heated. "Oh my god! Don't!" I begged.

The boy laughed trailing his hand up the back of my thigh more. "Your legs are really soft." He stated, kissing them.

Before I knew it I was on the same bed, in the same room, but this was defiantly not going to end the same.

"You've been teasing me with that skirt all day." His sexy voice rattled through me.

"I have?" I rose a brow, biting my bottom lip. I had to say something sexy, so at least it seemed like I was experienced. And without even thinking I said "Want to see what's under it?"

I don't think I have been more embarrassed for myself in my entire life. What the actual fuck did I just say?! Oh god in heaven why did I just say that?!

But without over thinking it, Hikaru reached up my thigh hitting my panty line. I felt him play with the lace that surrounded my hips. He didn't end up pulling down my panties, just my skirt.

His pupils dilated when his eyes landed on my exposed thighs. My body squirmed under his stare. I pushed my knees together to hide myself some more, but he still was looking. I didn't even have to feel my face to know it was on fire.

I pulled my hand up to his chest and messily unbuttoned his shirt. If he was going to take off my clothing I was going to take off his. After I managed to pull of his shirt to reveal his perfect abs he went to mine.

His long fingers pulled up my shirt slowly. Arching my back I helped pull of the remainder of the shirt to reveal my bra.

"Damn..." Hikaru glanced over me.

"Oh my god!" I hid myself with my arms.

"Please don't cover yourself, you're beautiful." His soft voice and gentle touch soothed me.

"Hikaru!" I cried, pulling his body on top of mine. Which wasn't my best idea, seeing as my chest hurt like mad.

His hands snaked up my stomach gently pushing himself up to look at me again. His eyes burned like the sun but his hands were a different story. I would be losing if I said I wasn't intimidated by his glare. The way his hands laced around me in slow motion killed me. Until he hesitantly left them right under my bra's underwire.

I saw his swallow as he looked down to me, as if asking if it was ok to move on. I arched myself giving him room to in clasp me. He looked nervous to do the action, so I did it myself. Slowly, I pulled down one strap, still not revealing my full self to him yet. Doing the other, I let the fabric lay on my person. I would wait for him to be ready, I just go it started.

"If you don't want to I-"

Hikaru shook his head. " I just... Don't know we're to start." As if I knew was I was doing...?!

I sighed calmly, making a soft smile appear on my lips. Taking his hand into mine so that I was controlling his moves, I placed it on my bra gently. His hands pulled the fabric off me slowly, eyeing me down like a hawk. After it was completely off he inhaled sharply with a complete red face.

Some how I wasn't embarrassed as much as I thought. It was more comfortable together than ever.

His hands were still on either side of me. "Go ahead..." I knew he wanted to, he just need assurance.

Hikaru's hands pulled up from the sides of me trailing up to my nipples. When he reached them his cold touch made me squirm. Shaping to them, his fingers moved my bust around.

Scrunching up my face I let out soft moans. He wasn't rough, I was just sensitive.

"You're really soft..." The sound of voice was more relaxed now. Bringing his face to my chest, his kissed one side and slowly sucked on my skin.

"Ah!" His tongue moved around, stimulating my senses. This new adrenaline made my head spin. The feelings he was giving me was nothing like I had ever felt before. I wasn't embarrassed or nervous I was completely engrossed in the thoughts I our experience.

His free hand pulled at the lace around my hips asking for entrance. I nodded when he pulled his face to mine. My eyes were glued shut, trying to take it all in. My stomach was doing flips.

The air tracked down to my newly exposed body parts. Pulling himself from my chest, Hikaru traveled down to my off centered panties. Taking both hands on either side of them he pulled them down my legs an into the bed. I left my legs closed out of reflex.

His hands fell on my knees waiting for my approval. Just seconds ago I was utterly infatuated with his hands all around me, but this was different. I looked away not wanting to see his relation to my womanhood. I just had to remember this experience was new for both him and I, but I couldn't help but feel he was doing all the work. I cemented my knees together and shot my gaze to him.

"Wait, ugh...." How was I suppose to put it into words. Was I suppose to just come out and say it? "Do... Do you want.. Something?"

He didn't seem to pick up what I was putting down. I wasn't just going to say it! Could I?!

"Do you want um... Me to like ugh..."

'Just say it' I told myself.

"Do a thing to you..?" Even for my first time was mentally regretting how unsmooth I was.

Hikaru grinned. "No, I just was you tonight."

My face burned. So much for being calm and collected.

Before I could over think the matter my legs were parting to his will. His wild smirk and perfect messy hair made me feel almost hopeless. While in my daze, Hikaru's red hair tickled my legs as he moved forward.

This was really happening? I was going to just allow this? Was this ok? So many questions and thoughts ran throughout my head. My brain almost hurt.

The way his kissed littered my thigh and his warm breath inching closer and closer to my skin caused havoc in my brain. My hands clung to the sheets holding on desperately like I was going to fall off them.

My boyfriend's still cold hands landed on my sensitive part making me give a soft scream. Moving his fingers around my skin was a new feeling I had never experienced. It was making me breath really heavy.

"Is it.. Ok?"

I bit hard on my bottom lip, trying to suppress any thing that dare escape. I shut my eyes tight and made an "mmm" noise.

My mind had drawn a blank about any questions or concerns I had. The only thing on my mind was how I felt with Hikaru. My back arched as soon a his tongue hit me. All I could come to say repeatedly was his name, nothing else made seance to say at the time.

It teased me with flicks from his mouth. Causing the pit in my stomach to grow. My now empty head was pounding. It didn't hurt get felt surreal.

"H-Hikaru.. I-I."

Moving his tongue fast his fingers played with my sensitive part. I was groaning and moaning and the room was almost spinning. My heart was racing and I felt.. Wet?

Feeling my self undo made my breath go so hick in my lungs and lingered for a moment. My entire body relaxed and I felt him stop. My breathing was ragged and the pounding in my head was gone. My brain hit back to reality and I sat up face to face with Hikaru.

His two fingers drew into his mouth cleaning them off. My eyes widened in pure shock and I felt my body tense. Was that sanitary.

"You taste good."

"Oh my god!" I threw my face into a pillow. That was horribly embarrassing to hear and see.

His chuckle over came me. "Your face was so cute, please don't be mad at me."

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..." I repeated into the pillow. He was such a jerk, after what happened he had to go and say that! He was a monster... In bed.

Night was upon us and I could feel my eyes get heavy. He pulled the covers over us and pulled my body to him. Kissing my forehead goodnight I lulled to sleep.

Oops! Oops! Finger slipped and I wrote a lemon. Anyways I wanted it to end cute, so just tell me your feels and ... Life!??!! Thank you, bieee!!

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