Chapter 26: Teacher Troubles

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The week was finally over and I just wanted to go home and rest. And since we have a long weekend, what a better time to relax. Or so I thought.

"You're going to have to make up this test, or your going to fail this term." My teacher showed me my horror of a test. I was good at math in America, what is this shit? Numbers AND letters, the fuck?

No but actually the real reason was since I moved I wasn't caught up with what Japan was learning. Their math was higher up then Florida. For example 4th grade math would be 3rd grade for them, you dig?

"But it's not my fault, I'm still not caught up with-"

"No buts. You could have studied! And according to this grade you didn't, so you are going to have to work hard over the weekend if you want to pass my class."

I could hear my innerself groan. What kind of world did I live in that force me to WORK over a weekend, especially a long one. Problem was how was I suppose to study, my tests were horrible and the notes might as well be written in a different language. Actually it was, it's called math.

"Why so glum?" Hikaru asked when I sat back down in my seat. The bell was about to ring soon.

"I have to retake this stupid test." I slouched.

Hikaru laughed. "How did you fail?" He laughed again. "You are like top A student."

He was right I was. Because all the classes were cake, literal cake. One of my classes was English. E-N-G-L-I-S-H. You heard me right, English. I had to do work in my first language. Fucking A+++.

The other was History, which wasn't that hard either. Granted I had no idea what half their wars were about, but all I really had to do was remember people and war names. Wasn't too hard.

And lastly was science. Which, again, was an easy A. Science was the same all around the world. Oxygen was Oxygen, iron was iron, and I practically memorized the periodic table.

But math was freaking hell. Thankfully the bell rang and I could just go home and worry about it later.

"I could teach you." Hikaru added.

I stopped in the hallway. "Really? Like math? Both letters and numbers?"

"Yep!" He said popping the 'p'.

I grinned. This was perfect, I could freaking learn shit. A+++ hear I come.

"When?" I asked.

Hikaru pondered. "Today? Koaru is busy anyways."

I gulped. Alone, at his place? "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude or force you..." I scuffed my shoe against the floor.

He nodded. Making his red hair fall in his eyes a little bit.

"Ok, I'll just go home after the club and change and stuff."


Approaching the door was the hardest part. I felt so small and helpless. The thing was huge. Knocking on it with the knocker and pleasant woman opened the door.

"Umm.. Hi. I'm here to see Hikaru?" I asked as politely as possible.

Her mouth parted into a huge smile and she embraced me in a crushing hug. "Oh my! I have waited for this day! This is wonderful!"

I tried to stay calm, but I could feel my face already heat up. "It is?" I played with the ends of my hair.

"Yes! Of course! Oh please come in come in!" The maid walked me to the living room area. She patted at the seat next to her with a perfect smile. This was awkward.

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