Chapter 38: Trouble Maker

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His hands were on me like glue. Harry couldn't help but give me goosebumps. My skin was super sensitive and one touch made me squirm and squeak.

"Why are you so sensitive? I don't remember you like this." Harry purred

"Because you never touched me like..." His hands were right under my bra. "Harry." My face was flushed.

"You wouldn't mind if I just..." A finger slipped under my bra. "Took back my hat?" He pulled out his hat from under my shirt.

My eyes flied opened. I was utterly humiliated. This was bad, really bad. Harry got off of me and started laughing on my floor. My face was now flushed out of anger and embarrassment.

"You should have heard yourself. Oh my god." Tears were forming on his lashes of how hard he was laughing.

He wasn't the first to toy with my emotions. I didn't know whether to kick, scream, cry, or jump out a window. I decided the best look on my face was a blank expression. I wanted to tell him off right there. Tell him how used to this whole experience I was.

And I wait for him to indefinably call me a 'slut'. Oh how that word made me cringe. I wait for him to tell me 'desperate' and 'needy' I was. Because the last two were unmistakably true. The whole experience was my fault truly. What if I was just using him because I missed having Hikaru around and needed a fill in.

I always did that, always took in other's feeling to make myself feel better. I did it to Hikaru and now Harry. Wow how greedy can one girl get?

"Tess?" His laughing stopped and he sat up looking at me worriedly. More pity.

I shook my head. "I'm fine." I'm sure that's what he was asking.

"You sure?" He got up and came closer to me.

"Nope." I rolled my eyes saying it under my breath. "Everyone is probably worried, lets go." My head hurt and I needed to clear it.

"Wait." He grabbed on to my arm. I was too weak to even pull away.

"Yeah?" My heart felt noting. My head was pounding. Oh how I wish it were the opposite.

"You're not ok. Was it me?" He sat me down on the bed.

"Yeah." I wasn't for lying right now. "But it was me too so don't worry. It's more my fault then your's" I gave an awkward laugh.

"What?" He had only been here for 2 hours and I had already made him feel bad. What a great person I was.

"Please, I really don't want you more involved then you already are." I could feel my eyes start to tear up. I held them back by blinking faster then normal.

"Tell me." He rubbed my back.


"Tell me." He moved me so we were looking directly into each others eyes.

"Ok, you really wanna know?" This time I said with firmness.

Harry nodded.

I prepared myself by standing up and pacing back and forth, clutching my locket.

"My school thought I stole money from my teacher and I got in a huge fight with my friend Tamaki. They ended up finding out a didn't do it and kicked my good friend Sakura out who was secretly evil. This weekend is a school fair so we were working really hard today an I didn't get a break. And I found my boyfriend sucking face with another girl in the copy room. Then my mom told me the same day that you guys were coming over today. So now you start making fun I me when I thought we could keep the past behind us. But all you did was bring it back.

So now here I am explaining to you my fucked up life while you don't even care. All your intentions we was to make my day worse. So I'm just going to get through this weekend and... I don't know. But I'll figure it out. I have to." I sighed, sitting back down next to him.

He pushed hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better I have a way of getting back at the boyfriend of yours."

"No I couldn't. That wouldn't be right..."

"Oh come on. You're not even going to do anything. In fact he will be playing with his own emotions. All you have to do I show up." He dotted my nose.

"Ok spill."


Harry's plan was outright cold. But here we were in full action into the plan.

His plan was for us to show up at the club together. That's it. The fair was open to the public and why not?

All we honestly were doing was showing up. No harm done.

I showed Harry around the school. Brining him to our library's, cafe, and so on. We even stopped into other clubs. We made jokes here and there and I was truly having a blast.

"Ha, beat you!" I checked him.

"Are you sure? Are you cheating?" He laughed over our game of chess.

"Dude I have no idea. Are you allowed to move the King? Or do you have to leave it there."

"Well... Check mate!" He moved his horse over one.

"Ok first I don't think horses can move completely across the board. And second, that's a pawn not a king..." I started laughing.

Harry pulled me out of the Chess Club angrily. But I could see he was joking.

"Hahah! Oh come on Harry!!" Tears were rolling down my eyes at this point.

"Not fair, you weren't even playing right." He let me go.

"Neither were you!" I poked Harry's tummy.

"Hey don't poke me!"

I poked him again. "I'll poke whoever I want to poke!"

We stared tickling each other in the empty hallway before someone called out to me.

"Tess?" Finn ask. "What are you doing here?"

I stopped tickling Harry. I could feel his eyes burn the back of my head when he grabbed my hand into his.

"Oh just hanging with my friend Harry." I looked back at him and shook my head telling him Finn was not my boyfriend.

"Harry do you know Japanese?" I asked him in English.

"Yeah, remember I took all through out middle school?" He told me in Japanese.

I just nodded. "We're heading to the Host Club. See you then." I pulled Harry's hand with me.

"Come on, you're so slow!"


The Club was packed. Really packed. It was almost as full as the fair last year but this one was held in the Host Club so it seemed more air-tight.

"So where is you little?" Harry whispered to me.

"He has red hair and yellow eyes. He's a twin so it's hard to tell the difference."

"Like you and Maria hard?" He asked.

"Just about yeah." Harry was one of select few that could actually tell the difference between my sister and I.

We pulled our way through the crowded room and found the snake table. I wasn't about to experience last fruit bowl fiasco so I snatched a water bottle.

"Man I want to find him." Harry pouted.

"Why do you want to find him so badly?"

Harry shrugged. "It seems pretty ballsy to cheat on your girlfriend when she just had an experience like that." He was referring to the whole ordeal with the school and what not.

"I guess."

"Do you think you will get back together?" He asked.

I played with my locket. "I don't know. I want to, but I don't know if I can trust him. You know?"

"Well then, does that give me a chance?" He laced his hands around my waist.

I pondered. "I don't know. Maybe if you don't laugh at me next time we will see." I was joking of coarse.

"What? Really?" He seemed honestly shocked.

"What? No! You hate me so.."

"I don't hate you.." His face drew closer.

"Harry, I don't know. I'm not even officially broken up with Hikaru. I mean.."

Our noses were almost touching. "Oh come on." He purred. "I heard the way you said my name earlier."

His minty breath was against my neck. I shivered. I pushed him off gently just so he was standing in front of me.

"Tess?" Hikaru's voice made me shutter.

"Yeah?" I turned over to face him.

"Who's he?"

On one hand I could say my cousin an then he would be all good. But if I said my friend he might get the wrong idea and get jealous. I didn't really know how to turn with this.

"Harry is my friend." I smiled.

"Harry, huh?" Hikaru sucked his bottom lip.

Harry put his arm over my shoulder. "Yup. Say Tess, wanna show me that courtyard you were talking about?"

I grinned trying not to laugh. This was going better than I thought. I could see Hikaru trying to compare his anger.

"Yeah sure." We walked outside together with Harry's arm still over me.

When we got outside we made sure the coast was clear before started talking.

"Oh man you boyfriend looked pissed." Harry chuckled.

"I know right." I laughed. "I hope he gets a taste of his own medicine. Well more or less but, who cares? I could only imagine his face if he saw us the way he was with that girl." I laughed again.

Hikaru was beyond pissed. Which was good because he needed to realize the effect seeing him with the girl was to me.

"Tess.." Hikaru roared coming up to the two of us on the bench. "Can I speak to you in private?" He said through his teeth.

Yup, still mad.

"Is that ok with you, Harry?" The look in Hikaru's face when I said Harry's name was priceless.

Harry shrugged. "Don't take too long." He winked.

Before I could put my feet on the ground Hikaru pulled me away.

"Who the hell is that?" Hikaru spat when we were a good distance away from Harry.

We were under some done that protects you from the sun and rain.

"I already told you, Harry." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why are you with him?"

"Because he wanted to come?" What kind of question was that.

"Why?" His patience was running low.

"Because he wanted to see my school?" I started talking with my hands.

"I call BS." He scrunched his face.

"Look I don't see why your so angry about this?" I folded my hands again.

"Because you're here with another guy.." He said it like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"And your point..." I just wanted him to confess how jealous he was so he would understand how I felt when I saw him with that girl.

Hikaru ran his hands through his hair. "That you're with another guy!"

"Seriously, are you jealous or something?" I smirked.

"No.. Well maybe. I just- I just don't like it when other guys touch you."

"Humm... That sounds familiar?" I said tapping my chin.

"What are you talking about?"

"When you were sucking face with that other girl in the copy room. Sound familiar?" My smirk was gone and now replaced with purse lips and a glare.

"But.. We... Ugh! It wasn't my fault ok! I didn't understand how to work the copy machine and she came around to help me. Things got heavy and we kissed." Hikaru let it out.

"So you don't have a relation with her before that day?" I held the cards.

"No, I just was being stupid."

"Yeah well your stupidness costed you a girlfriend."

Would you like some ice with that burn?

Hikaru looked stunned. "W-wh- wait what? We're.. We're not.." He looked hurt.

"I don't know Hikaru. You cheated on me. I get the whole moment of weakness thing but how do I know you're not going to do it again?"

I felt kind of dumb after saying that. After all I had a moment of weakness too.

But it's just like you hear those girls that like to have sex after a break up. To you know, get their minds off their ex. But in this case we didn't even do anything... Really.

So it wasn't like I fawned myself onto Harry and begged him to throw his D down my throat. Well in this case it was more of tongues but... You get the picture.

"What about Harry?" He looked like he found a loophole.

"He's here for the weekend. He's my mother's friend's son, we are practically cousins." It was true.

"So you guys didn't do anything?" He asked almost relived.

"Well.." A lump formed in my throat.

Hikaru eyes darted to mine in horror. "Well...?" He was nervous.

"He put his hand down my shirt and we poked each other... But nothing no." I confessed.

"Did he... You know.. Feel you." He choked.

"No." I smiled. Hikaru was so worried someone else had touched me. "Or maybe he did." I winked.

"What! No! He didn't!" He asked in horror.

"Hikaru chill, I'm kidding. He didn't feel me up." I chuckled.

"Good. I'm the only one who can do that." The words fell out o him without thinking.

I laughed when his face turned red. "Who knows? Maybe you never will be able to again..." I started to walk away.

"Tess, no wait! That's not fair!" Hikaru cried catching up to me, pulling me closer to him by my waist.

He kissed my softly. Our lips formed and made sweet tingles form in my stomach.

He put him face in my neck. "Don't tease me.."

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