Chapter 10: To be the Alice

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I tried my hardest to get out of bed, but it seemed way to hard this morning. I gradually opened my eyes and headed in to the shower and did my morning routine. After all was said and done i slipped out of the house and drove to Ouran. Even after I closed the door to the limo it seemed I came to school at a great speed. I vaguely remembered anything that happened in the car. I some how just... Showed up?

School was scary quiet. Nobody was outside, which was odd because a good dozen kids were outside each day. Even the smell of the air was no longer thorn covered flowers, but nearly nothing.

I walked through the door taking note of my untouched shoes, not covered in a single speck of dirt or grime. I continued down the hallways with not a noise to be heard. I couldn't tell whether I had been late or early. Was it a holiday?

Stopping at a glass window I smiled at the chirping birds and pink clock standing out side. Taking in the sunlight I felt at ease. So what if I was early? Who really cared? I was just about to take another step until I noticed the clock's hands. They were gone.

"What?!" I stepped back at amazement if how I didn't notice before. I've never seen it that way before in all my life. You don't just take off the hands of a clock. Breathing in I tried to remain calm, until I heard a squeaking sound. Like the sound of a dog toy.

A small pink bunny hopped along the pearly white tiles into music room three, the Host Club. I bounced around eating a banana. Then dropping the peal onto the floor. I rushed in to catch up with it until the bunny stopped in the middle of the room.

"Usa-chan?" The pink bunny turned to me and waved its ear at me. The floor around Usa-chan opened and lead the bunny down a long hole.

"Wait!" I called out to it, running after it. Suddenly the floor drew closer to my face once I slipped onto the banana. Next thing I knew I was falling down the hole just like the pink stuffed bunny.


I awoke with my ass stuffed in a blue vase.

"Umm... What?" I wiggled around, falling off the podium onto my face. "Ow.." I cried to myself.

The room was large, matching one of the school's basic classrooms. The class was nearly empty with the exception of a black grand piano and a banana tree.

"Am I on something? Like the actual fuck is going on?!" I slugged myself around the floor, as an attempt to move.

The next thing I saw was a monkey boy jumping out of the piano.

"Eek!" I scurried away from me once it spotted me.

I smiled at it. "Hiya! So is there a way out of this place or -"

"EEKK!" It pounced over to the banana tree and pulled a bunch from it. It peeled one open and finished it off in a matter of seconds. In a puff of smoke it shrunk to the size of an actual mouse.

"Ugh... Is that a yes or?" I clenched my teeth making a face, confused out I my mind.

It 'Eek'ed at me again, then scurried along the tiled room into a small door fit for a mouse.

I rolled over to the small door pushing it open with my nose. Inside the mouse boy stood talking to the pink bunny. Taking a look at me, the mouse boy became startled and took off farther where ever the door took him. Usa-chan filled back with a small skip in his step.

Sighing to myself I moved over to the bunch if bananas that lay in the floor. Peeling myself one of the yellow fruits, I shrunk in no time flat. The blue vase coated me in darkness so I pull myself from underneath it.

"Well... This is just great." Dusting off my now small figure I made haste to the tiny door frame that was on the other side of the class. "I guess this is the only way out." Muttering to myself.

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