Chapter 13 - Void Pit Training part 2

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Lux sits and thinks about how he is going to get the ingredients to make the pills as well as a pot.

Master Snow throws a large bag at Lux with his eyes closed.

Lux catches the bag and looks inside.
The bag is massive on the inside with thousands of ingredients inside plant pots.
He also notices Large alchemy pots for pill making. Over 200 of them.

"Guess making mistakes is really easy." says Lux.

He begins by taking out some fireroot and says "lets make an mild energy pill.
He then follows the recipe till it get to the heating stage.
"Ok i can't mess this up or i have to start again."
Lux makes a small fire the size of a marble and he places it on the underside of the alchemy pot.
Inside the paste is slowly drying so he uses his mana to separate the paste into 18 pills and holds them still.
Over time the pill slowly forms and when Lux thinks it is ready he stops applying heat and releases his hold on the pills.
Most of them fall apart while 6 are fine.
He puts them in small containers made of glass and puts them in a large chest which was in the Bag.

Lux continues this process for about one month then he stops and checks the large chest.
When he opens it, the chest is about 3rd full and at the top on the left is the first 6 pills he made.
He opens the lid of the container and a fragrant smell fills the nearby air.
Lux takes one pill and eats it.
He feels a rush of energy in his body and then a burning sensation covers his chest.
After a while the pain goes away but his body is replenished as if he had a full nights rest.
"Seems they work but the purity isn't very high as it caused pain in my chest. When it is gentle energy coursing through my body, that is when i have mastered this recipe."

Little did he know that just making a pill that works is already a huge achievement which many apprentices take years to accomplish.

(1 year later)

"I have mastered the Mild Energy Pill.
Time to move onto the Mild Injury Pill." says Lux.

Lux begins to practice creating the pill when suddenly the Alchemy Pot exploded, blasting Lux back.

Master Snow says "You let the flame get too hot.
Some ingredients can't be get too hot or the steam explodes out of them.
When pressure increases too high in a sealed container, it explodes."

Lux gets back up and rummages through the large bag Master Snow gave him.
He finds another large chest with another Alchemy pot.
When he retrieves them he then starts to practice pill making again.
He continues to train again and again, everytime he fails.

(1 year later)

Lux sighs "I have barely mastered the mild injury Pill but i have to move on.
Ok lets begin the Mild Soul Pill."

Lux trains day and night by experimenting on the soul pill.

(1 year later)

Lux shouts "yes i have managed to learn all 3 of the pill recipes.
Master Snow what next am i going to learn."

Master Snow says "you will learn a Space technique called Cosmic Bag technique.
It allows you to create a personal space in your soul where you can store items.
A lot of king rank mages learn the skill as it means no matter where you are, people can't steal your things from you.
Space Mages always learn a similar technique compared to what i will teach you.
The next skill is called Internal Garden technique. Here."
Master Snow threw another Skill Orb at Lux.

When Lux absorbs it he sees.
(Internal Garden Dimension technique : allows the user to store things that are alive by creating a living space in your soul.
Understanding of Space and Nature World Laws needed to cultivate.)

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