Chapter 18

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Salman had just walked in the house in his gym attire. The sweat pants, sports hoody and trainers. He was hot, sweaty and in bad need of a shower. But that didn't waver Seema's determination to talk to her son.

"Salman one minute," Seema called out from the kitchen table where she was dicing Okra for lunch. Salman paused in his step and turned to his mother. Without any greeting, he slumped on the kitchen chair.

"Look at what you have done to yourself?" Seema pointed out at his dishevelled appearance.

Salman shrugged and avoided meeting his mother's eyes.

"Beta, she was not the only girl. Allah has decreed your life partner somewhere. It's time you move on." His head spun around facing his mother. Seema was oblivious to her son's reaction as she concentrated in dicing the green vegetable, "there are some girls I have liked and I want you to see them as well."

When she lifted her eyes from the vegetable bowl in front of her, she was startled to see her son's furious face.

"I will not marry anyone," he seethed and gritted his teeth.

"Salman you are being unreasonable. Life doesn't end with Nawal..." Seema tried to reason him.

He abruptly stood up to his 6 feet height and glared at his mother, "Give me a few months. I am on a mission. If that succeeds your son will be married."

With that, he strode out of the room leaving a baffled Seema clutching the vegetable knife tightly. Her eyebrows creased and her lips curled downwards,

Oh Salman, this obsession of yours will bring you down. Don't do this, my son.


She was dressed in faded blue skinny jeans, long black boots that reached her knees, black ruched top and black blazer. She was getting late, it was 11am and Daud had texted he would be at her home any minute to pick her up. Tying her hair in a bun she hurriedly secured the black hijab and grabbed her Channel flap bag but just as she opened her bedroom door to rush out, she bumped into her mother. Nawal gulped and straightened her facial features trying hard to be calm.

Ghazala was standing with her legs apart, arms crossed over her bosom. She glared at her daughter who fretted under her gaze. She didn't like this idea one bit that Nawal was spending the whole day with Daud. Her eyes bore into her daughter's fearful being, "Let me make myself clear. Your father has given you permission and I cannot go against him. You are free to go today but remember on your shoulders rests the family's honour. Don't do anything you will regret for the rest of your life and above all scar your father's name in shame."

Nawal had lowered her eyes, unable to meet the fierce gaze of her mother. Her heart speeded and her lips quivered. Her eyes flooded, taking a deep breath for the first time she spoke her heart to her mother, "you respected my decision in this marriage and I respect the rules of this house." Lifting her eyes she made an oath solemnly, "I will never take a step in a way that would shame Daddy. If there is someone who has loved me the most it is him." She stepped backwards, "Only him" she whispered.

Her phone pinged indicating that Daud was here. Without, waiting for a response from her mother, she bid her farewell, "Allah Hafiz."

For many minutes, Ghazala stood rooted at the same place. Her desolate eyes staring at the empty hall. Her heart fell comprehending how her daughter felt for her. All she was doing was protecting her daughter from this harsh world.

She says I don't love her. To me, she is more precious than any of my sons. I don't want her committing the same mistakes that we made in our youth.

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