Chapter 27 (edited)

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Edited version - second last scene edited. 


Content warning: MATURE CONTENT.


Daud hadn't been to work for the last two days. He had been ignoring calls, text messages and emails. All he did was stare out his bedroom window for hours smoking one cigarette after the other.

How long could he ignore his life?

He had to move on. But not before he took his sweet revenge. He will have to calm down and focus on his work until he found the right moment to strike back. This time, he was not backing away at all.

A message alert on his phone distracted him. Finally, for the first time in days, he unlocked his phone and went through his emails, texts and missed calls. It took him hours to reply to all the vital messages. He was going through the various transactions on his business bank account when he noticed the bank balance of the joint account he had with Susan. He frowned, the balance hadn't changed in the last few days. He clicked on the bank statement summary and his eyebrows furrowed further. Susan always took out money every now and then. Why wasn't she withdrawing?

Anxiously, he clicked her number and waited for the ring. But instead, the voice mail greeted him indicating the phone was switched off.

What was going on?

Her phone was never switched off. Even when he called her late night or early morning. Rubbing his temple, he decided he will go and check her out at the apartment. Besides, he had been feeling guilty for what he said to her the other day and would apologize. In madness, he wasn't able to think and ended up lashing out at her. Just when he was locking his phone, a text message popped up.

Aer Lingus reminder of your flight to Athens in 24 hours.

His heart slashed in two parts. He had booked a honeymoon trip to Greece for Nawal and himself.

If only...

If only...

Throwing his phone on the bed, he pulled out another cigarette from the pack.

His life had become a bloody joke.

He didn't trust anyone. Everyone had backstabbed him. No one understood his anguish. Closing his eyes he puffed in the smoke.

He will never love again.



"Khala can I help you in cooking?" Nawal asked standing behind her aunt who was washing vegetables.

Seema glanced over her shoulder and smiled, "No my dear, you are still a bride. But you know what you can sit and give me company."

Nawal smiled back, and gingerly sat on a chair near the kitchen table. She watched as Seema cut the spinach leaves finely, "We have decided the valima this weekend." Seema announced.

Nawal nodded.

"Did Salman tell you where he went?" Seema asked as she continued to chop the spinach leaves.


Seema scowled, "Well he is gone with his father to make the arrangements for the valima. I reckon it'll take them some time before they come back."

Nawal eyes lowered to her hands. They never spoke to each other in the morning. The words he had uttered last night were like a knife hanging on top of her head. She had no choice but concede to his wishes. Just the thought of it distraught her. She didn't want to think about it.

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