Chapter 24

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"LEAVE ME!!" Daud shrugged his arm from his father's tight hold. "I have to go to Nawal and talk to her. She will listen to me. I know she will," he muttered.

Ibrahim had dragged his son to the wet local park. It was dangerous to stay near the house. Daud was not in his senses. The rain had subsided but wetness was felt everywhere. The grey clouds were above them and no sign of the sun. Desolately, Ibrahim watched his son maddeningly speaking to himself, "Daud, beta, please it's over now. Think of your future with Susan."

Blood shot blue eyes met Ibrahim's, "I will not marry a woman that the whole family despises. Was it wrong for me to desire to marry a Muslim girl? I know I sinned in the past but does that mean I will be punished for the rest of my life. I thought Allah is Most Forgiving. Where is His forgiveness when I pleaded Him?"

He shook his head vigorously, "My prayers were never heard when I was a child and they are still not answered." Tears clouded his eyes, "All my life I was never given what I wanted. I ... I wanted love from those who are mine. But all I got was their scornful gaze and rejection. Rejection at each and every step of my life. Then when you gave me the job at the company I had gladly taken it and worked day and night to prove my worth. I was looked over. Why Dad? Why? Just because I am half white? And now..." he swallowed the emotional lump in his throat and then hoarsely continued, "All I wished was for Nawal, Dad. All I wished..." his shoulders shook as tears dribbled from his eyes. There in the local park he sank to his knees weeping and cried loudly to express his grief. His pain. His emptiness.

Dejectedly, Ibrahim watched his broken son. He was the reason behind his son's loss. The mistake of not listening to his elders led him to this day where he was unable to provide happiness to his only son...

It had been few months since Ibrahim had moved to Dublin with his family. In the last few weeks, he had made a new friend. Chloe. He didn't know how to speak much to her as his English was still not fluent but she understood him. This started their bond. A connection that didn't need words. Even glancing at him, she understood him. Months passed to years and when it was time to graduate from the high school, Ibrahim was restless and anxious. How will he live without seeing his Chloe every single day?

"What have you decided about applying to UCD?" He asked her the umpteenth time.

"I can't Ibrahim. You know why" she sighed, "I wish my parents could afford it. Even if I find work I will not be able to pay for my fee."

"I will miss you, Chloe,"

She smiled remorsefully, "I will always be here for you. All you have to do is come to me."

He nodded slightly, "I know but with university I will get busy. So you have decided to join the local college to become a kindergarten teacher?"

Her smile grew, "Yes I finally got their acceptance letter. I love working with children and I know I will enjoy this course and soon I will start work."

Time passed. Years flew by. But Ibrahim had made a habit of meeting Chloe during the weekends. They would just have a stroll in the St. Stephens Green Park but it was their special time. And if it was too cold or wet they would just savour coffee in one of the cafes and talk for hours. With each day, his feelings grew for her that it was becoming too hard to stay away from her. When he graduated, he expressed his inner most feelings. He knew she felt the same way.

On that autumn afternoon, among the rustling of golden and red leaves, he took her hands in his, "I love you Chloe. I can't imagine my life without you. Make me the happiest man and marry me."

Forgiving  You (Dublin Sisters #2)Where stories live. Discover now