Chapter 1

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"Good Morning, Daddy."

Brian Carlton smiled as his daughter wrapped her arms around his neck from behind and planted a cool kiss on his cheek. She smelled like chamomile, having taken a liking at a young age for chamomile shampoo and so he could always tell when she was coming.

"Good Morning, Pumpkin-Happy Birthday." He said, turning to glance at her and place a kiss on her cheek.

"Ahem." Nora Carlton said, glancing with a grin at the sight in front of her. It was one of the most endearing things to her to see just how sweetly those two got along. It couldn't be helped, she was their youngest daughter and as far as daddy went... well, she had him wrapped around her little finger.

"Mom- are you jealous?" Their daughter asked playfully, swiftly moving around the breakfast table to kiss her on the cheek.

"Of course, I'm just not sure who of." Brian said, his eyes twinkling as he teased Nora who laughed.

"I'm not jealous. I learned a long time ago that even I can't come between you two. Happy Birthday, Pumpkin." She said, shaking her head and looking back down at the papers in front of her.

"Business? At breakfast?" Vada asked, looking at she noticed both of her parents were reading.

"Well- we have a super inconvenient last minute meeting tomorrow and we are just prepping." Nora muttered, looking over the documents.

"How exciting." Vada said with a chuckle.

Nora looked up towards Brian, who winked at her with a grin.

"What do you plan to do today?" Nora asked.

"Lay out by the swimming pool." Vada answered, "I have to take advantage of the nice weather."

"Sounds tempting." Nora replied.

"Will you guys be home for lunch?" Vada asked.

"No, I'm sorry pumpkin- but Matt and Nick will be." Brian said.

"THOSE two- don't they have jobs or something?" Vada asked, jokingly. Both of her brothers worked with Brian at the company.

"Be nice- your brothers want to have lunch with you because they love you and want to spend your birthday with you." Nora said, being the typical mother hen.

"Yeah, yeah- love to torture me is more like it. Will you two be home for dinner?" Vada asked.

"Of course, but I mean it Vada, be nice." Nora repeated.

"I make no promises. Don't be surprised if you come home and find a double homicide." Vada said.

"Don't be surprised when you get tried as an adult now that you're 18." Brian said without looking up.

"Funny." Nora said.

"I'll be nice."  Vada said, "But can you say the same for them?"

"At least it's not George you'll be stuck with." Brian said. Vada turned to him, raising her brow.

"She'll be home...  Right?" Vada said.  "I mean I know her flight isn't due until tomorrow but she IS coming, right?"

"Honey, she is coming... She's just" Nora began but Vada laughed.

"Delayed. I swear that girl is always late. But business is business." Vada said, standing.

"She is sorry."  Nora said, "you know she wishes she could be here."

"Of course and she doesn't have to be sorry- it's just my birthday.Besides, she'll be home for the anniversary party in July. ". Vada said, grabbing an apple off the counter as she moved towards the door.

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