Chapter 63

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"I'm really sorry for the hold up." Nick said, after speaking with Holly for a few minutes.

He turned to the shareholders, three older New Yorkers who'd been on the board for several years.

George sat staring at him with a raised brow.

"It looks like there's been a last minute change. My apologies as My parents won't be able to make it down." Nick said.

"Is everything okay?" One of the board members said.

"Yes but for today, our meeting is cancelled." Nick said. he hating cancelling meetings last minute- and this was a whole other level of late.

The board members looked at each other- in their many years they had never seen a board meeting cancelled.

"It's alright- it can't be helped." One of them finally said, rising from his seat. There was an older woman who sighed.

"If I'm honest, these things are always quite tedious anyways." She said, getting up with a smile.

"We will be in contact to reschedule." Nick said, shaking their hands as they left the room, leaving him with just George.

"Cancelled? Since when are meetings cancelled when everyone is already here? It's absurd." George said.

"I don't know. Holly just told me that our parents asked up to postpone the meeting but I don't think we could hold them for very long." Nick said.

"No, you're right. Best to reschedule." Georgina said.

"You're just saying that because you're happy to get out of it." He replied.

"And you're not?" She asked.

"I like working here, thank you." Nick replied. George sighed.

"It doesn't make sense- what could make them postpone the board meeting?" George said.

"You don't think something's wrong, do you?" Nick asked, suddenly alarmed.

"Mom?" George said, her eyes widening in fear.

"Come on." Nick replied, leading her up the stairs quickly.


"That was him? right?" Vada finally said, turning back to Matt. "I'm not hallucinating again?"

"No, you're not hallu.... again?" Matt asked, but Vada shook her head.

"He's here." she said, her lips curling into a smile.


"It's always a pleasure to see you, have a seat." Brian said, sitting across from them at his desk. Nora walked around to stand next to Brian.

"Thank you. We're sorry to just barge in like this, unannounced, but Davide brought something to our attention that we wanted to speak to you about urgently." Matteo said.

Brian raised his eyebrow.

"Of course, we're happy to help in anyway we can. has something happened with the product?" Brian asked, concerned. As far as he knew, Matteo Peroni had always been very satisfied with it.

"No, the product is great. I assure you- we are very, very satisfied." Matteo said.

"We're here on more of a personal errand." Viviana said smiling.

"Well, we're all ears. What can we do for you?" Nora said, feeling as Brian relaxed. Out of all their business partners, all of their clients, this was probably the one that they were most concerned about.

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