Chapter 22

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"How far is Palisades from Manhattan?" Viviana asked, leaning her head against Matteo's shoulder as they rode in the SUV.

"About 45 minutes." Davide said from the back seat, looking at his phone before putting it in his pocket.

"The houses are so adorable." Viviana commented.

"Want one?" Matteo said with a grin, making Viviana look up at him.

"Thanks but nah. I like mine." She said, playfully. Matteo kissed her nose.

"Was it really necessary that we all show up to an anniversary party?" Davide said.

"Yes, Mr. Grumpy, it was." Viviana said.

"Why?" Davide said, "You two could have come without me."

Viviana looked at Matteo who shook his head. They had both noticed Davide's foul mood lately but it was Matteo who had heard through the grapevine that it might have to do with a woman. Still, he said nothing, giving Davide space to deal with things in his own way.

"Brian Carlton is a very important man." Matteo said.

"I know that, I do business with him." Davide said.

"Correction, I do business with him, you are my representative." Matteo said with a grin.

"Haha. So?" Davide asked.

"Brian and Nora Carlton have always been very inclusive of us when it comes to parties and events, and so we have extended similar courtesies. I like them both very much and if it wasn't for certain details of our lives, I would like to have have been closer to them." Viviana said.

"I feel like I can never hear enough about how important that man is." Davide said.

"Behind every great man is a great woman." Viviana said with a chuckle. Davide raised his brow as if awaiting an explanation

"Brian Carlton has always been very important- he took the company his grandfather built and created an empire but, if you ask me, it was Nora Lida who took it to another level." Viviana said, showing off her knowledge of business. Viviana could act quite carefree and playful most of the time but she was sharp as a tack and they both knew it.

"I know the story- Lida enterprises was the giant and when they merged with Volstak- boom." Davide said.

"They bought out their main competition, Terecom, in less than 6 years." She said. "Quite impressive."

The SUV turned a corner and approached a gate, seconds later they were down a long path that led to one of the most impressive houses that Davide had ever seen.

"Wow." Davide said, stepping out and helping his mother out. "I bet they spent a few mil on this one."

"Shh- Davide, that's not polite to talk about." Viviana said scolding him.

"Sorry." He said, rolling his eyes. "Just been a bad few weeks."

Matteo stared at his son, warning him without words to behave. It was insane that at age 25, he still had to watch over him.

"Come on, then. Let's go." Brian said, putting his hand on his wife's back and leading her inside.


"Nora!" Viviana said with a friendly smiled, approaching her. Nora opened her arms and grinned.

"Viviana Peroni." She said, genuinely happy to see the woman. They had met often over the years, at weddings or company parties but it had been a while since the last time. Nora enjoyed Viviana's company- it was unfortunate that they had not been able to create a deeper relationship over the years.

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