Chapter 14

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Davide entered the club and walked straight to the bar- it was still early and there were only a couple of tables out which made it easier.

"Hey Baby!"Chachi said, smiling at Davide as she approached.

"Hey! Where's Chris?" He asked, leaning over the bar as he sat.

"He's out back but look at you. Good mood, huh?" She asked with a wink. Davide laughed.

"Am I not allowed to be in a good mood?" He asked. Chachi laughed.

"Of course you are baby. Little bird said you had a nice afternoon the other day." Chachi said. Davide raised a brow.

"Why are you listening to little birds? I'm going into the office to look over a few things- send me a whiskey, please." Davide said, walking away and towards the back. He really was fond of Chachi, let her get away with saying a lot of things but he definitely wasn't going to tell her about Nicky. He drew the line at that- his personal affairs were his personal affairs.

He sat in the office for nearly 10 minutes when the knock at the door finally.

"Come in." He said, a bit irritated that it had taken them so long to get him a drink. "Jesus." He began as he heard the door open. "There's hardly anyone out there- what took you so long.  Just leave it and go."

"Sorry."  Nicky said, holding her tray as she entered, her face quite serious."I'll leave this and go."

"Wait, no." Davide said, standing up as Nicky turned to leave.

"I'm sure you must be busy. Chachi sent me."  Nicky said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you." He said, moving around the desk and towards Nicky.  Nicky held her tray with one hand and crossed her arm over her chest, trying to be calm. After what had happened that morning, she was afraid he might see right through her. 

Davide moved around Nicky, locking the door to the office, and looking her over with a grin.

"I was thinking about you the other day." He said, moving closer to her. Vada was still, her back to Davide but she could feel how close he was.

"Oh yeah?  Lucky me."  She said, trying to sound light and careless.

"Some would say so but I have a feeling not you." Davide said, raising his hand and moved her hair aside so that he neck and shoulders were fully exposed. Vada tried to be calm but she could feel his breath on her.

"How would you know what I think?"  Vada said. "You hardly know me." Davide reached an arm around her and pulled her against him, putting his face close to his ear and letting his lips graze her. He could feel Nicky's tense body begin to shake, not in fear but just pulsating, nervously.

Vada gulped, trying to remain in control but his embrace was full of heat- heat that made her legs shake and so she brought her free hand to her chest, trying to control at least her breathing.

"I've been watching you, little Nicky... I can tell you're special." He said, placing one single kiss on her neck.

"I bet you say that to all the girls."  Vada said, unable to resist the urge to tease him. This game he was playing was too tempting by half.

"Maybe." He said, grabbing her arm and swinging her around before taking two steps forward and pinning her against the desk. " But the important part is what you feel."

Vada instinctively brought her tray up between them but he only took two more steps forward, practically forcing her up onto the desk behind her, to which Davide responded by placing his hands on her hips and lifting her so she could sit more comfortably.

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