Chapter 25

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"How can you say that?" Vada asked and Georgina sighed.

"Do you really think I want you to go with those people? Of course not but Vada, we don't have a choice. They are serious, serious business." Georgina said.

"I'm scared." Vada said.

"Do you think he'll hurt you?" Georgina asked. Vada sighed.

"I don't know, I don't think." Vada muttered, shaking her head.

"It sounds like this is a matter of pride, which means he won't accept an offer to buy you out." Georgina said.

"Buy me out?" Vada asked. Georgina nodded.

"I thought maybe because of the complicated nature of the situation he might accept if you made him an offer but realistically, he knows how much money we have. If it was about money, he'd have mentioned it." Georgina said.

"So this is revenge?" Vada asked. Georgina shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Whatever it is, you can be sure it's going to be a volatile situation. He'll want to punish you for leavign without his permission." Georgina explained.

"But I didn't know." Vada said.

"Vada you lied to him, you got yourself into a bad situation and you found out things you weren't supposed to. And when you found out the truth, you left." Georgina said. "Anyway you look at it, for him at least, you ran away. "

"So I have to go with him." Vada said quietly.

"For now. I'll have to think of something, some way." Georgina said, taking her hand. "you're going to have to be very clever and careful. Until we can find a way out of this, try to stay out of trouble.

"How can I do that? What if he... or if he tries to..." Vada asked. Georgina was quiet.

"Just be careful, measure your boundaries. I'm not saying lay down and take it, I'm saying be smart. We need him in a good mood if we're ever going to get him to accept letting you go." Georgina asked.

"What am I supposed to tell mom or dad?" Vada asked, putting both hands in Georgina's.

"We're going to tell them you're going to the city because Davide is offering you an internship." Georgina said.


"An internship?" Nora said, incredulously and simultaneously with Brian. They both stared at Vada who was smiling the best she could. A few seconds later, Georgina flounced into the kitchen.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Vada was just telling us about an internship at EPI?" Nora asked. Georgina smiled, pretending to be surprised.

"Yes. well, Yesterday I got to talking with Davide about how I wanted to take a year off before going to school but that after seeing how hard it is on you two to be so far from George, I wasn't sure going abroad was a great idea." Vada said.

"Aha?" Brian said, frowning.

"He mentioned they were hiring an intern at EPI." Vada finished quietly, wondering if they were going to buy this.

"That sounds great." Georgina said.

"He offered you an internship when he's known you two seconds? That doesn't sound right." Brian said, suspiciously.

"Yeah, he's only known me for like a day but come on. I'm Brian and Nora Carlton's kid- not some perfect stranger." Vada replied.

"Yes but you're just out of high school- what qualifications do you have?" Brian asked.

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