Chapter 11

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Davide drank his whiskey and tried not to look- but he couldn't help it. There she was- little Nicky- laughing, smiling, and basically flirting with every customer in the place. 

He watched as a couple of them tried to grab her and she would playfully jump or turn, escaping their reach and wagging her finger at them. He took another sip- bitter. This was one of the best whiskeys and he couldn't enjoy it. 

The little bitch had rejected him, him! Him! It was enough to make him go mad and here she was being a complete tease as she moved about the floor. He'd half expected her to walk out of the break room looking remorseful but instead, he'd found that she was smiling bright and laughing vivaciously.

Vada felt a little more than on top of the world and she still couldn't explain it. She'd come out of the break room, battling with the idea of a peculiar new freedom and had found that there was a lot of empowerment in being viewed as an actual, sensual, woman.  It had hit her that Davide had no way of knowing she was a good girl from Palisades who had never met men like these before. Vada had created a character and she was obliged to play it through. 

Still- that didn't mean that she'd let a man fondle her but she was ready to take advantage of it to the fullest. 

After all, why was she being the timid little girl when as far as everyone here knew, she was Nicky Smith- experienced, older woman? Right?

She knew Davide was watching her, probably upset with her and she was certain she would have to make amends somehow. Davide did not seem like the kind of man who appreciated rejection nor who forgave and forgot easily.

She couldn't deny what she'd felt as he touched her but she also knew that if anything happened she needed it to happen on her own terms.

"Two more for 6." Vada said, standing next to Davide's stool and waiting for Chachi, who was busy with two other orders before hers. 

She watched Davide for a few minutes, conscious that he was flat out refusing to look at her and so she did the only thing could think of- offer an olive branch.

"Is it always this busy?" Vada said, trying to start up a conversation. Davide raised his brow. Was she really trying to talk to him?

"Yeah." He said simply, not turning to look at her. 

"I was wondering- it's fun though. I like the rush." She said with a grin. Davide still did not turn, nor did he say anything. 

"I can't picture George in a place like this." Vada said, using the fact that he thought George was her ex to her advantage. 

Davide turned- Could it be that maybe she was still involved with George?

"Men do a lot of things women can't imagine." Davide said, watching how she smiled at him. 

"Well, not George. I've known George my entire life although I'm sure George would enjoy seeing it." Vada said, imagining how shocked she'd be the entire thing. 

"I'm not sure George would enjoy seeing his girlfriend strutting around in a place like this dressed like that." Davide said, rolling his eyes and turning back towards the floor.

"Well, It's a good thing George isn't my boyfriend." Vada said playfully, taking a moment to toss her hair back, although it quickly sprung back towards her face. 

Davide pretended not to notice but he couldn't help but watch how prettily she shook her head. 

"Good for you." He said and Vada sighed. He was definitely not taking the bait. He was mad.

"Sure- and for anyone else who might come along." She said, her last card. Davide turned to look at Nicky, who was already arranging the drinks Chachi gave her on the tray and preparing to walk away. 

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