Chapter 45

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Vada walked into the office on time and on fire.

She couldn't believe the power of a podcast. Suddenly, she was feeling like she could take on anything or anyone.

"Vada." She heard Marc say as he approached her. She smiled.

"Hey Marc. "She said, high fiving him.

"You cut your hair." He said with a grin.

"I needed a change. What do you think?" She asked.

"I think it suits you. I remember the last time you did this you had that adorable baby face, but now, you look very sophisticated." He said approvingly.  Vada laughed.

"You look different." Nick said, approaching her. Vada turned and nodded.

"Yeah, I feel different." Vada said.

"Empowered?" Nick asked.

"For sure." Vada replied.

"Good, we have a surprise visitor today and you're going to need your courage." Nick said in a low voice. Vada lifted a brow.

"Bring it on, I can take on anyone." Vada said.

"Are you sure?" Nick asked. Marc lifted his eyebrows.

"You're being suspicious." Marc said but Emma suddenly approached.

"Hey Vada. Marc- listen I need you to take a look at something for me." Emma said, holding out some papers.

"Sure- excuse me guys." Marc said, walking back towards her desk with her.

"What are you talking about?" Vada said, following Nick to his desk.

"look." He said, signalling towards their father's office where Matt and Nora were walking out.

"I hate to break it to you, but Mom and Matt aren't exactly a challenge." Vada said. Nick smiled.

"keep looking." he said calmly. Vada rolled her eyes, which suddenly became wide.

In the flesh- Matteo Peroni. Vada felt her heart speed up. She hadn't seen him in years... It was strange.

"Is he alone?" Vada asked. Nick stared at her.

"He is." Nick replied. Vada nodded and walked away, moving towards Matteo. Nick watched- maybe George had managed to fool Matt all those years ago, but Nick wasn't that gullible. He knew they'd been right about Davide Peroni.

"Mr. Peroni." Vada said approaching him with a smile.

Matteo turned, a big grin on his face.

"Vada Carlton- it's been so long." He said, reaching out for her hand, which she let him take.

"Hi daddy, mom." She said, kissing her father's cheek.  "I didn't realize you were going to be here."

"It was a last minute thing. Davide usually handles these things but he was tied up and it couldn't wait." Matteo said.

"I hope everything is okay." She said.

"Yes, of course." Matteo said, his eyes twinkling.

"It's always a pleasure Matteo. I hope you'll stick around, we're going to announce Matt's new position as VP after our board meeting and we'd love you to join us for dinner." Brian said.

"I'm sorry I can't, I have to be home today. But Matt, congratulations, You're going to be great." Matteo said, shaking his hand.

"Mr. Peroni, I'll walk you out." Vada said with a smile.

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