Chapter 9

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"Another round for table 4." Vada said, smiling. Tonight was her first full week at the Club, unfortunately, it was also nearly a week since her encounter with Davide. She had really hoped he would be here more often.

"There you go. Do me a favor- finish up with this table and tell Mary and Rosy it's time for their break. You take one too." Chachi said. Vada nodded and headed out, signaling to Mary and waiving down Rosy, who both smiled acknowledging her.

There was a room in the back where most of the girls took their breaks and where for the most part the dancers spent their time in between sets. For someone like Vada who had never been exposed to this side of life, it took a few days to get used to the sight of naked women everywhere. Literally everywhere. On the floor, walking between the tables, up on the stage, in the break room and even in the halls of the rooms upstairs... they sauntered around in their underwear or less. Vada had to teach herself to focus on other things in order to avoid being discovered for what she was- completely innocent. But now, as she lay back against a sofa and closed her eyes for a spell, she pretended she could not hear anything as they chatted away. She didn't mean to be anti social but she was still getting used to the hours and so she closed her eyes, relaxing. 

Davide walked into the club close to 2AM and the night was in full swing. He was stopped a few times by people he knew, even had a drink with a table, but he tried to move quickly. His father had kept him busy this past week and although he'd wanted to be here sooner, he had not been able to get away. Now his eyes scanned the room for the one girl he was interested in seeing... and a frown formed on his lips as he realized she was nowhere to be seen. 

Shaking off his initial disappointment, he approached the bar where Mary and Rosy were laughing with Chachi.

"Well, well, well. I had lost hope you'd come by tonight." Chachi said with a smile. The other two girls were suddenly quiet. 

"Well, I'm here. How about a drink?" Davide said with a grin, taking a seat next to the two girls. 

"Sure- what'll it be?" She asked, pouring as he ordered. 

Davide sat with his drink for a bit as the other girls returned to their table, still giggling. 

"Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like we're missing a girl." Davide said, looking out on the floor to see if he could spot her. 

"Nope- you're right. Nicky is missing." She replied with a grin. 

"What's so funny?" Davide asked, raising his brow. 

"She fell asleep in the break room." Chachi said with mischief and Davide laughed. 

"Oh no. Didn't anyone warn her?" Davide said, shaking his head. 

"No- new girls find out the hard way." Chachi said. "Anyways, we were going to give her another half hour before rudely awakening her."

"Nice- I'll got get her." Davide said, chuckling as he stood and strode in the direction of the break room.  Normally, Davide might be upset if the girls were goofing off instead of working but this was tradition. Anyone who fell asleep in the break room was subject to merciless torture. Of course, it was nothing cruel- just a few harmless pranks but it never ceased to surprise Davide how creative these girls could get. 

"Wow." He said, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall when he walked in and saw a group of girls huddled around her, taking selfies.

"Hey baby!" Some of the girls called out, approaching Davide and hugging him. Davide smiled, allowed the girls to fuss over him for a second. 

"Poor girl- you couldn't go easy on her, could you?" He said with a grin. It was Tina who spoke. 

"Of course not. No one went easy one me." She said playfully. 

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