Chapter 15

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Vada didn't know what to say when Davide said they were going to his place. 

Vada Carlton probably would have told the guy she was dating- hey! Not so fast. Slow it down or No way. 

But she wasn't Vada Carlton right now. She was Nicky Smith and Vada never would have gone as far as Nicky went earlier. Vada never would have let anyone get that close or kiss her that way but Nicky would. 

So now the question was- what was it that made the switch go from Vada to Nicky? Vada needed the secret now or she wouldn't be able to go through with whatever was about to happen and she certainly couldn't deny Davide when she was the one that set up the expectation. How could she have acted that way with a man she barely knew?

''don't kid yourself- that's why you came to the city in the first place." 

Vada was shocked when she heard Nicky distinctly whisper in her ear. It was true. This is why she came to the city- to live. If only she could convince herself to be brave. 

Vada was so occupied in her current thoughts that she didn't even notice when they crossed a bridge and entered a part of the city she had never seen before. She frowned, realizing her own thoughts were betraying her. 

"Are we in the circuit?" She asked innocently, wondering if this part of the city, which looked a bit more like 1940s Manhattan, was the famed circuit she had heard about. She was aware that Davide lived within it after all. 

Davide turned to look at Nicky-and nodded. He never really spoke to any women about la famiglia or the circuit and maybe she should know better than to ask but he didn't see how it could hurt. So... he let it slide. 

"Oh." She said simply, as if it had been a normal question, then she turned and continued to look at the quaint buildings. 

There was one street- several businesses on either side and a brick building that seemed to stand out. She wondered if this was the center of the circuit- if that was the case, then that building must be the center of it all. 

It was dark, except for the street lamps which illuminated brightly and there seemed to be on every corner, a man with a cigarette or a cell phone. Quiet and unassuming, as if watching for something. 

"It's like a movie." She muttered to herself quietly. Davide smirked- that was an apt description and yet it was more accurate to say that movies were like life. 

A few minutes later, he pulled the car into an underground parking garage and parked at the very far end. 

"Are all these yours?" She asked, looking around the parking garage calmly and noting a small collection of luxury cars.

"Yes." Davide said simply, watching her reaction. Vada looked at the cars- six, seven with the porsche, all high end, all very expensive and she wasn't surprised. She knew that rich men liked to collect cars. Matt had three and their father always scolded them- telling them that there was a difference between luxury and waste. Vada always did like cars and she secretly encouraged Matt whenever he talked about getting one more. At age 25, her older siblings had already come into quite a bit of money on their own... she still had to run everything by her father.

"Ha! Matt has this one." Vada said, recognizing a Bentley in the back. "It's one of my favorites."

"Who's Matt?" Davide asked, a bit annoyed. Vada shut her eyes. Shit- when was she going to stop being so stupid. 

"Matt owns the bar I used to work at." She said without hesitation. Davide raised a brow. 

"And you were familiar with his car?" He asked, crossing his arms and leaning against his car. Vada smiled- was he jealous?

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