Chapter 3

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"Where are we?" Coda asked, noticing that Vada had not stopped looking around. 

"The Bell and Bon." Vada said. 

"Yeah, I know I can read. Why are we here?" Coda asked, "And who are you looking for?"

Vada turned around, her face peaked and sighed. 

"No one. I just wanted to try a new spot for dinner." Vada said.

"Well, it's your birthday. The place looks nice but I've honestly never heard of it." Coda said, looking over the menu. 

"I found it online." Vada said, looking around again. 

"Okay- you're acting strange. Who are we looking for? Two sets of eyes are better than one." Coda said. Vada was quiet for a second. 

"Can you keep a secret?" She asked.

"Ummm, haven't we been best friends since preschool? Of course." Coda replied. 

"Okay. Look- you see those doors...the big black ones with the bouncer. Down the alley from where I parked." Vada said. Coda raised her brow. 

"Goldroom. Why does that sound familiar?" Coda asked. 

"It's a club." Vada said and Coda's eyes widened. 

"Oh- It's that men's club. Eww... are you trying to sneak into one of those places?" Coda asked. Vada shook her head. 

"NOOOO. I'm... waiting for someone." Vada said. 

"Are you meeting up with some guy?" Coda asked a big grin on her face. 

"Not exactly." She muttered. 

"What do you mean then?" Coda asked, confused. 

"It's embarrassing." Vada said with a sigh. 

"Try me." Coda said. Vada cringed but she explained about Davide Peroni and how she'd found out from Nick what his favorite spot in New York was. 

"Oh wow. We're stalking a guy you saw at your parent's office?" Coda said, reaching into her purse. 

"I guess so. On a whim too. He's just..." Vada began, not sure how to explain it. 

"I can't find him. All I see is someone called Matteo Peroni." Coda said. Vada leaned forward. 

"That's his father- let me see." She said, peeking at Coda's phone. 

"Wow. If he's anything like his father, then I see why we're here. It's worth the peek." Coda said with a grin. 

"Damn. His father is also pretty gorgeous." Vada replied.

"He's hotter than your dad." Coda replied. 

"Eww.." Vada said, scrunching her nose. 

"Oh please, everyone knows your father is a hunk." Coda said. 

"He's like 55... for heaven's sake." Vada said. 

"A total silver fox." Coda said, making Vada laugh. 

"Just stop. Stop." Vada said. 

"Well, then... you should be sitting here so you can spot your hunk as he comes out." Coda said, getting up and forcing Vada to switch places with her. 

"So, what's the plan?" Coda asked at length.

"What do you mean?" Vada asked. 

"Don't tell me you dragged us out here just to watch. There has to be a plan." Coda said. 

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