Chapter 17

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When Vada climbed into the SUV with Davide, she scooted to the end but he wasn't having it. He quickly reached over and pulled her towards him. 

"No- we're not playing that game anymore. " He said, leaning in with a smirk and kissing her lightly. Vada sighed, feeling so confused that all she could do was chuckle. 

"Okay- but, Davide- we're not alone." She said, trying to pull away but he would not relax his grip.

"No. I don't care and I shouldn't have to tell you that we are as good as alone." He said with a playful grin Vada laughed. 

"Okay- where are we going... for lunch?" She asked, learning her lesson from last time. She moved her hand to his hair, playing with a strand as she spoke. 

"Today you choose." He said, more than eager to please her. Vada bit her lip, thinking it over before she finally spoke. 

"How do you feel about oysters?" She asked. 

"Oysters it is. " He said, raising his brows as he turned to speak to the driver. 

15 minutes later, he was leading her into a restaurant by the docks and ordering more oysters than they could possibly eat. 

"It's been a while since I had any." He said with a smile, putting his arms on the back of her chair. 

"Really? It's like our favorite thing at home." She said. "I love Oysters- it's always a great reason to visit Boston." 

"You go to Boston often?" He said lifting his brow, teasing her and thinking she couldn't have gone to often. 

"Not so much anymore. George went to BU and so we were there more often before. But still- I love Boston." She said without thinking. 

Davide was intrigued- another piece to the puzzle that was little Nicky Smith. 

"And do you prefer Boston or Manhattan?" He asked. Nicky thought it over. 

"I think Boston, but don't tell my mother that. She loves New York and would never forgive us if we said otherwise." She said with a chuckle. 

"So George went to Boston University?" He asked and Vada bit her lip. She'd slipped again- she was coming to the conclusion that she was a poor liar and would never make a decent spy.

"Yeah." She said. 

"Why not Harvard?" Davide asked, a bit coldly. Vada shrugged and answered honestly. 

"George got wait listed and chose BU." She said, noticing he didn't like the mention of George. She wondered if she should clear up the whole George thing. 

"Poor George." Davide said with a roll of the eyes as he took a sip of his beer. 

"May I?" Vada asked as he put his glass down. 

"What? Do you like beer?" He asked. Vada shrugged. 

"I've never drank much beer." She said. 

"I can order you one if you like it. " He said, holding the glass out to her. Vada sipped it lightly and smiled. 

"That's not bad." She said. 

"Then you can have one." He said, looking at her glass of water. 

"No, I'm not 21. I'm sure we can get away with a bottle of wine in a restaurant but I don't think you can get me a beer." She said simply. 

"Do you really think they'll make a fuss over one year?" He asked. "When do you turn 21?"

"I'm actually happier with the water." She said, making him shrug. She would hate to pull out her ID and have him see she was just 18.

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