Chapter 8

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Davide sat at the bar, looking over his notes with Chris. The second Wednesday of the month was for restocking inventory and so Davide usually sat by as Chris double checked everything and handed him orders to sign. It was still early in the evening as Davide liked to have all this done before any customers arrived and the girls had just started coming in.

"Hey baby." A short redhead called, approaching Davide as she entered. Davide sighed and rolled his eyes as Chris chuckled, then he turned to face her with a smile.

"Hey Gina, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm good- I was hoping you'd come by." Gina said, putting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing. Davide shrugged.

"I've been busy." He replied.

"Too busy for me?" She asked.

"Hey Gina, leave him alone and go get dressed. You're up first tonight." Chachi said, coming out from the backroom and tying her apron.

"Again?" Gina said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, now go." Chachi replied, scooting her along. Gina sighed.

"Can't be help. First dance is for you." She said, blowing him a kiss and walking away.

"Thank you." Davide said, shaking his head and looking back at the forms.

"No prob, but maybe you be more careful what girls you flirt with in the future." Chachi said. Davide laughed.

"I didn't think she'd get so clingy." He said.

"She reeks of trouble. You should have known. Anyway, here are new girls info sheets." Chachi said, handing him the papers.

"Great- Chris, make sure you include them in payroll. off the books." Davide said, signing the papers and handing them to Chris. Chris nodded.

"Where are these famed new girls?" Chris asked. "I'm curious."

"There they come." Chachi said, pointing to the two girls coming down from the back stair case. Davide didn't turn, although he wanted to but he didn't want to show too much interest.

"Wow- they're cute. She's cute. Her story?" Chris said, leaning on the counter.

"Name's Nicky." Chachi said simply.

"Nicky- I like that." Chris said.

"The other one is Mary." Chachi said, referring to a girl with long blonde hair and big blue eyes.

"They look great." He said as the two girls approached.

Vada was nervous, and she was afraid it was obvious. She ran into Mary as she was moving into her room- it turned out that Mary was just across the hall and as she remembered Vada from the day before, she was eager to chat and be friendly.

"Chachi- how's it look?" Mary said, holding out her arms and showing off the uniform. Vada just stayed back, arms across her chest. The uniform was pretty burlesque, a little gaudy and a little revealing.  It was essentially a red corset, with black lace set over it and a very short black sequins skirt just barely covering their thighs, thighs that were covered in fishnet tights.  The skirt was so short, Vada was afraid to bend over. Vada had mascaraed her eyes, giving them a smoky look but it was Mary who covered her in matching red lipstick. Vada had never seen herself look so different.

"You girls look great." Chris said. "I'm Chris, the business manager. Any problems come to me."  Chris handed them two new folded up aprons.

Vada looked at Davide's back. She'd hoped he would turn to look at her but he seemed intent on what he was doing so instead she focused on soaking in everything Chachi was saying.

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