Chapter 32

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"What the fuck?" Davide asked, bringing his hand up to his face and rubbing it. Vada looked pissed.

"This is all your fault." She said, "lock the door."

Davide turned to the door, making sure it was locked as Vada moved quickly back towards her uniform, beginning to change.

"How is this my fault?" He asked, moving to the sofa and sitting. Vada rolled her eyes.

"If you hadn't forced me to dance, I wouldn't be in this position to begin with." She said, slipping out of her dress nonchalantly and sitting as she rolled on her stalkings.

"It seems to me like you defended yourself rather aptly." He said. Vada laughed humorlessly.

"I was lucky- You and I both know that. If he'd gotten me in the right moment or position, I'd be in big trouble." Vada said.

"Did he touch you?" Davide asked.

"No- but he wanted to." She said angrily. Vada walked over to Davide, handing him her corset and turning to give him her back.

"Aren't you going to take this off?" He said, pulling on her bra strap. Vada glared at him.

"In a bit. Now, help me." She said angrily, holding her hair up and out of the way.

"Well, I'm sorry you had to go through that." He said.

"Yeah, right." Vada said, grunting as Davide pulled too tightly on the corset ties. "Watch it."

"Sorry." He said again, sighing.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry. Sorry doesn't get me out of the problems you're putting me in." She said, moving away as he finished. Vada reached behind her and unhooked her bra, slipping it out from between the corset and her skin and tossing it into her bag.

"Damn it, Vada. I'm sorry and would you stop parading around for a second, I want to speak to you." He said. Vada stomped her foot.

"I'm so sick of doing everything you tell me to." She said and Davide lost his temper.

"Well then you shouldn't have come in the first place and you shouldn't have run away. Now, come here, sit down and shut up so I can talk to you." Davide said loudly. Vada stared at him, a hand on her hip, still angry as hell.

"Fine." She said, bringing her arms to her sides and sitting on the coffee table. "Please, go ahead."

Davide sighed and sat down on the sofa across from her, looking down at her hands.

"I got you a present today." He said, looking down at his hands. Vada raised a brow.

"Oh honey, you shouldn't have." She said sarcastically. Davide rolled his eyes, ignoring her.

"It's not much but it's not the floor. " He said, making her raise her brow.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"I got you a cot. To sleep on." He said.

"A cot? You got me a cot?" She asked. Davide looked at her.

"Don't do that. Damn it, Vada. You fucked up, okay? At least admit that much. You should have never come into this club and you shouldn't have run away. You were the one that got yourself into this mess. Like it or not, you're here and you have to deal with the consequences of your actions." He said, making her stare at him wide eyed.

"Okay." She said, bringing her hand up to her head. "So you got me a cot? Thanks."

"That's not all- I also picked up some of your clothes." He said, leaning back against the sofa.

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