Chapter 27

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Vada looked around the apartment- she was going to stay here... with Davide... in his apartment.

"Close the door." He said, walking in lazily and taking off his coat before tossing it aside. Vada turned and did as she was told, closing the door and turning the latch to lock it. She leaned against it for a second, wondering if she could do this.

Would he expect her to sleep with him? No. She repeated to herself. No, she wouldn't let him.

"Stop dawdling by the door and get your ass in here." She heard him say. Vada sighed, trying to be resolute and moved into the man room, taking her bag and tossing it aside. She looked around, trying to spot him but she couldn't see him. Had he gone upstairs?

"Come here." He said, and she turned round to find him on the chair in the living area. That chair he'd sat on before with wine and chocolate... now he sat looking so bored.

Vada took a few steps forward, trying to be strong and then she noticed he frowned.

"Take it off." He said, lighting a cigarette. Vada lifted her brow.

"Take what off?" She asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Your clothes, what else?" He said. Vada was still, trying to be calm. She shook her head.

"no." She said and this time it was Davide who raised his brow.

"I'm sorry- I didn't ask. So go head and take off your clothes or I'll go take them off for you." He said.

Vada was quiet for a second- she didn't doubt for a second he would and she was certain he would not be gentle about it. She turned, not wanting to face him and did as he asked. First slipping off her pants.

Davide watched- he hated seeing her dressed that way, it reminded him too much that she wasn't some common little hussy. She was a fucking proper girl. Well, not anymore. He would take away any entitlement she thought she had. Still, he watched as she removed her pants, shyly, facing away from him, her long legs making an appearance again.

He watched as she was still for a second, the shirt she was wearing still covering most of her body and then, suddenly as if ripping off a band aid, she pulled the shirt off and turned to face him, a hand on her hip and her chin up proudly. She was certainly beautiful. Every last inch of her- she was perfect and his body knew it.

Vada was quiet, waiting to see what he would ask of her next but he stood, moving away, looking angrier. She cringed, wondering if he would come towards her and so she closed her eyes, bracing herself for what might happen.

"Here." He said, throwing a pillow and a sheet at her. Vada felt them hit her legs and she turned to look down at them. "Those sofas aren't made for sleeping, italian leather, but I'm sure the rug won't be half bad."

Vada bent down to pick up her clothes, unsure of what was going on.

"No." He said, when she would have started dressing. "When we are here and unless I tell you otherwise, you don't get to wear more than what you have on now."

"I'm supposed to just be in my underwear the whole time?" She asked. Davide smiled.

"It won't be so bad." He said, beginning to unbutton his shirt. Vada stared, remembering for a second what that skin felt like under her fingers.

"And I sleep on the floor?" She asked.

"You're lucky I'm giving you a pillow. You'll also take care of everything from now on. Laundry, cleaning and cooking." He said, taking the shirt off and moving towards a door in the back she hadn't noticed. "You can find everything you need, including a washer and dryer in there."

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