Chapter 65

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"Alone at last." Davide said as Vada leaned against her apartment door.

She grinned, looking Davide over as he beckoned her with his finger.

"Come here." He said- that same annoying demand that she'd come to love.

With a chuckled, she ran over, jumping onto him excitedly.

Davide laughed, catching her and placing his hands under her bottom to hold her up as he leaned in to kiss her.

The last few months had been hard. It seemed like everyone conspired to keep them from getting any real alone time in.

Vada's arms were wrapped tightly around Davide's neck, she kissed him, kissed him hungrily, occasionally a hand moving into his hair.

"I thought they'd never leave." Vada managed to mutter, referring to Emma and Marc who'd been over for dinner.

In three months they'd be married and it was certain to be a grand event.

Although Davide had to be in the city most of the time, he'd come to New York often, trying to get some time in with Vada but... they kept her busy.

Dinners, lunches, fittings, florists, tastings, venues... more fittings and florists. It turned out that planning a wedding was a big, complicated process, especially with Viviana Peroni and Nora Carlton orchestrating the whole thing.

Davide chuckled in between kisses, carrying Vada to her room- It had been much too long since the last time they were intimate and he wanted to make love to her desperately.

Vada felt him toss her onto her bed, her eyes wide in surprise but the smile not fading from her face as she watched him remove his shirt.

With two brothers, Marc and an overzealous father, she'd been surprised she'd been allowed to see Davide at all.

They done everything they could to ensure he didn't get her alone. They watched her like a hawk.

Even Matteo and Viviana seemed to be in on it- insisting she stay with them when she visited the city and admonishing Davide if he ever got her home too late.

"They're trusting us to look after you." Matteo would say to her.

Davide climbed onto the bed, bringing a hand forward to hold Vada's face in place as he kissed, savoring the taste of her as she worked the buttons on her blouse. She needed him- she needed to feel him.

Everyone tends to look at the man as some sort of sex crazed predator, but the truth was that Vada was going crazy too. She wanted to feel Davide's skin- she wanted him. And how could she not? He was gorgeous.

Vada and Davide laughed as they tumbled around playfully but they moved quickly, afraid in case someone or something would come along and interrupt them.

Vada rolled over on top of Davide, straddling him with a grin as he lay back, his arms behind his head.

"God, I've missed you." He said, watching as she slowly unhooked her bra.

She bit her lip, winking as she flung it across the room and Davide sat up, pulling her face down to his.

Then the buzzer rang.

"Mother fuckers!" Davide blurted out as they both sat up.

"It's okay, It's okay. Just ignore them." Vada said coaxingly, leaning in to kiss him and running her fingers in his hair.

Davide felt himself relax as she kissed and he brought his hands to her back, massaging it softly.

Again, the buzzer rang, this time insistently.

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