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"I told you - he's a jerk. You shouldn't hang out with him!"
That was Sylvie, the night Sasha went for ice cream with Jeremy.

"You can't tell me what I can and can't do, Sylvie. Plus, it's not like I'm dating him or anything. He insisted!"

"Oh God. Sasha, boys like Jeremy only want one thing -"

"I know, I know. To get into my panties. But I don't plan on any of that happening. So can you kindly exempt me from this conversation, one that I never consented to be a part of?"

At that, Sasha flounced to her bed and brought out her sketch pad. She wasn't the type of person that walked out and slammed doors when she was mad. She just silently fumed and usually found a way to release the anger either through writing in her diary or drawing in her sketch pad. Or she yelled and raged and wreaked havoc to let the world know that Sasha Stewart is MAD!

Sylvie sighed and rubbed her face.

"Sasha, I know you think I'm just being a kill joy but please stay away from Jeremy. He's bad news."

"I'd rather wait and find out by myself. I think I'm highly overdue for some sort of high school drama, don't you?" Her words were so sharp, Sylvie flinched.


"Can you just drop it? Jeez. It's not like I like him or anything. He's trying to be my friend here."

Sylvie kept quiet and left the room. There was no way she could tell Sasha about the dare. It would hurt her so deeply and act as a blow to her confidence. But she couldn't just let them play around with her little sister like that. She wracked her brain for what to do but no idea was forthcoming.

Sasha drew a portrait of Sylvie. She drew it super fast, with harsh angry strokes that made the entire drawing look like Sylvie was the one angry. She got the details down to perfection.

When she was done, she slammed the sketch book closed and picked up her phone.

Her art homework was still waiting to be done but she couldn't think of anything inspirational yet. So she googled most inspirational things and proceeded to scroll through thousands of pictures, quotes, songs and videos to find what inspired her.

"Are you seriously doing this?" Sasha asked.

"Don't you have classes?"

It was the second time her class had ended and she found Jeremy waiting by the door. For her.

"What? Can a young teenage boy of this age not walk his friend that happens to be a girl to her every class?" He asked in a dramatic voice.

She laughed, surprised by his faux accent.

"Chivalry is dead these days so I plan on reviving it. At least for you."

"Is someone flirting?" She asked as she pulled her books out of her locker.

"Maybe." She found herself smiling at his answer.

"Hey Jeremy" Lainey gushed as she walked by.

Her eyes moved to Sasha and her footsteps faltered. Her friend had to hold her by the elbows as she tried to save herself from falling.

"Hi... Uh... Franca?" Jeremy asked.

Lainey blushed wildly as she shook her head.

"It's Lainey. The newspaper editor."

"Sure, yeah bye Eleanor." He turned his attention back purposefully to Sasha, while an embarrassed Lainey walked away.

"Did you just pretend to not know her?" Sasha asked.

There was a mischievous glint in his eyes when he said "I'm just really bad with names."

She laughed and they chatted as he walked her to the next class.

For the rest of the week, Jeremy walked Sasha to every class, had lunch with her sometimes and texted her each evening.

He was always the perfect gentleman.

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