Twenty three

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Pic of Sylvie above. I'm not even bothering with Tony right now. Douches don't get pictures 😉. Any way enjoy!

Jeremy dominated volley ball practice after school.

He didn't give Tony a chance to touch the ball once.

At the end of the practice, he made an announcement in the locker room.

"I can't be on this team if I know you guys don't have my back. I don't mind that some of you stole my clothes. I don't mind that you kept silent while Tony here, attempted to kick me off the table," he paused and gave Tony a brief glance.

Tony was pretending not to listen but from the way his shoulders tightened, Jeremy could tell he was hanging onto every word.

"What I do mind is the intention behind it. So I give you a choice. If you actually like me and you want to keep hanging out like normal, just step forward now. If you don't, and have been waiting to see me slip, I don't blame you but just cut to the chase and stay where you are."

He waited to see who would step forward. His heart was pounding and he could feel sweat form at his neck. But he needed to know. He needed to know.

After a few seconds, 7 out of the 12 people on their team stood. Jeremy nodded at them, gratefully.

"Thanks guys. Fuck you Tony!" He said, before grabbing his bag.

"Your life is shit" he added in Italian, just to piss him off. Tony's shocked face was priceless.

He had no idea that Jeremy was fluent in 6 foreign languages and still learning more. French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Russian and Korean. His Chinese was rapidly improving.

When Jeremy got home, he went straight to his room and plopped on his bed.
What a day!

His clothes had been returned to him after lunch but he drenched them in red paint and snuck it into Tony's locker. Yes, he was spiteful. Tony had tried and failed to succeed in his hostile takeover. Now there was no going back to being fake friends. Time to call a fucking spade, a fucking spade.

He got out his phone and checked out his Instagram. Then he moved on to bombard his snapchat with selfies. After taking out his anger on every filter, he paused to check for messages. There were many, from different people.
He spotted one from Sylvie. She was apologizing for keeping silent at lunch. Fuck her. Then he paused to consider actually doing it.

Since she came to mind, next on his mind was Sasha. That girl! She must have given him drugs or something. She must have. There was no way he could be so weird around her if she didn't do something to him.

He went over to the his sound system and started blasting some music to get her out of his head. He began to dance, getting into the groove of the music.

Could Sasha dance?

He pushed the question out of his head.

Would she dance with him?

This time he actually stopped what he was doing. An Avicii song was playing, the music pulsing round his ears.

He went over to his desk and pulled out the notebook where he writes his lists. Lists helped him get his thoughts organized. Something about list writing settled him.

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