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So before you all go after me for sagging plots, just know I have it handled, okay? Calm Down. 😉

Sasha felt like screaming from the top of her lungs.
Friday morning, she was up and dressed ready for another day at school. But guess what? She'd left her favorite art supplies along with the self portrait in Jeremy's car.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

She rooted around for her phone and rapidly sent a text to Jeremy, asking him to kindly bring the supplies with him.

"Yikes, calm down. He'll bring it!" Sylvie said, in a distracted voice. She was carefully applying red eyeliner to her lids. Why? Sasha had no idea. She didn't even bother asking.

"I'm calm. But I just really need them for art class. Like really, really."

"Should I drive you to school today? I'm feeling in the mood for some chauffeuring."

"You don't have a car."

"Dad has a car."

"He let you use it?"

"He's suspended! He isn't going to complain much about my behavior."

Sasha laughed and pulled the door open. "I'll be downstairs."

She ate her breakfast of banana and cereal quickly.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Is it to see Jeremy?" Solomon asked, removing the milk carton from the fridge.

Sasha ignored him.

"Saw you guys cuddling in his car yesterday."

That's when she choked. She coughed as tears streamed down her face.

"What the HELL Solomon? Are you a freaking stalker?"

"What? No! I just happened to be at the front window. With binoculars. And I just happened to glance out the window... For about 2 hours... Perfectly random." He peeked at her through his lashes.

Sasha wiped her face down and resisted the urge to grin. He was a stalker brother, yes. But he looked so adorable.

"We weren't cuddling by the way."

"Sure looked like it."

"It was just a hug."

"That lasted 23 seconds? Some hug."

Sasha felt her cheeks go warmer. Luckily, she wasn't the blushing type.

"I'm leaving. Did mom leave any packed lunch for me?" She asked hopefully, standing up.

"Nope. What are you? 13?" He joked, dangling his packed lunch for her to see.

God, he was so annoying.

When Sasha finally made it to school, she was nearly late. Sylvie had had to stop at EVERY stop sign. Dad's car needed to be respected, she'd said.

She fast walked to her locker and piled her books into her bag.

She noticed someone stop near her locker and she turned. It was Lainey. Her eye was still well bruised and Sasha felt a small sense of pride at being the one who caused it. Lainey's mom was standing behind her daughter, a firm hand on her shoulder.

"So umm what do you want? Cuz I don't wanna be late for class" Sasha asked.

"I'm here to apologize for ruining your painting. It was a selfish and wicked thing to do. I understand now that wickedness is wrong. And I would like to offer you a sum of money as compensation for my actions. I do not blame you for beating me up. I deserved much worse."

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