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Monday Night

"Is this okay Carter?" I showed him my leotard. "Turn around." I spun to the back so he could see it. "Yeah, it's fine."

     I turned back around. "I'm going out in about 5, don't miss it." I pecked his lips twice. "I won't." Walking out of his room, I grabbed a chair that I'd need for my show.

     "....BB...." I took a breath and strutted onto the stage. Doing my routine, my stomach started bubbling. I took deep breaths while I was dancing to keep whatever was coming up down. Hearing the song about to come to an end, as soon as I hit my ending pose, the lights went out on stage and I ran to Carter's room.

     Grabbing his trash can, I threw up everything I'd eaten that day. Hearing the door open, Carter walked in and rushed over to me. Rubbing my back, he pulled my hair up and wiped away my tears from throwing up.

     As I was done, I sat back a little feeling nauseous. "You alright?" I shook my head. "I'm sick Carter. I need to go home." He shook his head. "You going to my place. I'm not about to leave you alone like this." I nodded.

     "I don't care, just get me out of here-" I threw up a little again. He sighed. "Here, we gone try to take off your leotard cause it's tight on your stomach." He unzipped the back and helped me take it off. Putting on the shirt and pants that I came over here with, Carter got all his things together.

     "I'ma take this stuff to the car real quick and I'ma be back to get you." I nodded. Before he came back, I'd already thrown up again. Putting my jacket on, he carried me through the halls and out the back of 40 to his car. Putting me in the seat, I had a trash bag in my hand; I didn't think I'd make it through this ride without throwing up.

     I looked at Carter calling someone as he drove. "Aye, Marcus. I need you to lock up tonight."

     "Why? What happened?" He looked over at me. "I had an emergency I had to take care of." He said. "Alright boss. Let me know if all goes well." I felt myself getting exhausted from throwing up, my eyes got low and I was ready to sleep.

     "You can't go to sleep yet baby, stay up." He patted my thigh. I sighed. "If you go to sleep, you'll keep waking up all night to throw up. I need to help you first." I nodded, feeling myself about to throw up, actually. It was just a false alarm though.

     Getting to his house, he carried me in and laid me in his bed. "I know you want to take care of me but I'm sick. I don't think you want to be in the same bed as me."

     "I'll be fine." He went away for a second to get something and came back. "Here," he gave a thermometer and I put it in my mouth.

     Hearing it be, he took it out and looked at it. "Oh, you got the flu, Bey." I sighed. "I know your tired but I need you to eat something." He went away for a second and came back with a warm towel and some water. "Drink a little bit of water before I come back with your food."

      I smiled a little. "Dr. Carter." He chuckled, going downstairs. Throwing up again, I drank my water as Carter came back with soup. "You don't have to eat it all but eat some." I nodded, sighing. Taking a few bites, Carter told me when I could stop and go to sleep. Helping me get into one of his shirts, I laid down in his bed and closes my eyes.


"Come on." Holding his hand, we walked into the doctors office. I threw up more this morning and Carter gave me some ginger ale and helped me get ready to go to the hospital. After signing me in, we waited in the waiting room. Laying my head on Carter, I sighed. "I just want to sleep.." He nodded. "I know. We gotta get you diagnosed first so you can get some medicine."

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