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  I believe that there is a world out there somewhere—a world with abundant hope and life, a strong but silent triumph of goodness, peace at your very fingertips, if you only wish to take hold of it. No fear of death, and no secrets that must be unlocked to obtain this strength. It's simply there. It is not a perfect world, but it is a place where eternal happiness can be obtained.

Our world is not that world, no matter how much the envy burns in our chests. Our world is cold, dark, and enveloped in greys. We are alone. It is a world overrun by the evil in the hearts of men, and no hand to bring us out of the pit of blackness.

Still, there are bits of light, echoing from the other world that shine down like glorious arrows and kiss our faces like the wings of butterflies. I believe it is not an illusion, but a beautiful dream—a dream only for those who have a will to see it.


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