Chapter 23.1: Cold Wind

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  One overcast day, I was carrying sheets to Ciel's room for Mey-Rin. I knocked on the door and came in to find him still in bed and coughing something awful.

"—to go check it," Ciel was telling Sebastian. "This case has been sitting for months with no new leads whatsoever, and I won't let this chance slip because of a cold."

"I understand, Young Master," Sebastian replied. "But you must also consider your health. What good will it do us if you have such a fever you can't even comprehend what's happening?"

Ciel cringed and looked down. "Fine. Then go on your own and report back to me immediately after collecting information."

"But who will care for you while I'm gone?"

"I will," I spoke up. They looked to me, as if just now fully realizing my presence. I blushed a little. "Sorry to intrude, but I couldn't help but overhear your problem and I believe I could properly care for him in the meantime."

They looked at each other, then back to me.

"That's right, I forgot we had her..." Ciel mumbled.

"What do you think, Young Master? Would you like to be entrusted in Lady Estella's care while I'm away?"

"Yes, I trust her. Now go on to the investigation. I'll rest here..." His head fell heavily against the pillow.

"Thank you, my lady," Sebastian nodded and proceeded to take a paper and a pen from his pocket, speaking quickly as he scribbled something. "Now, here's a list of instructions and notes on what I've already done, and if anything goes wrong, you can call Tanaka to help."

He handed me the paper, which ended up being filled with notes. "Uh... alright. Don't worry about him, he'll be in good hands. Now go on, and take care of yourself," I gave him a kiss of departure on the cheek.

"Of course, my dear."

Once the door had been shut behind him, I looked to the sleeping young master. He weakly fumbled with his eyepatch, which was still tied on. "Here, let me..." I said softly as I undid the string and laid it on the bedside.

He looked very different without his eyepatch, excluding the sickness. Though, counting it, he was pitiful and fragile, his skin pale and circles under his eyes, breathing heavily. I had never seen him in that state before. It was strange. For the first time ever, I saw him as a child, and never felt more protective over anyone.


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