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  After cleaning up, I sat in Sebastian's bed in my nightgown, watching the six little kittens romp about. He entered in his nightclothes and took a seat beside me.

"I didn't think you even owned pajamas," I told him, stifling a giggle.

"Do I really look that silly?" he smirked.

"No, it's just that I've always seen you in a suit, so right now you look... well, ridiculous, in comparison."

He rolled his eyes at me as I laughed. The tabby kitten we had caught in the kitchen scurried up the bed into his lap. "Always been a climber, this one," he chuckled, scratching it behind the ears.

"Are you going to clean the kitchen in that?" I asked.

"It's already done," he smirked. "And my clothes are soaking. Though, those stains may never come out. I suppose it really is my fault for not keeping a better eye on them," he sighed.

"Well, it made for an interesting adventure," I laughed. "So, now that this is over, may I ask why you have cats in your room?" I asked, picking up the white one.

"Their mother died when they were born," he explained. "I took them into my care and nursed them, planning to keep them here until they were old enough to fend for themselves."

I nodded, smiling. Though I didn't quite understand it, I knew that Sebastian had a strange obsession when it came to felines. Even though he was a demon, a certain compassion came out in him when it came to these creatures. I have to say, it was quite adorable to see it.

"This little one is Jacob," he said, gesturing towards the tabby. "The white one is Josephine, the calico is Jeanine, Jacklyn is the black one, Julian is grey, and Jonathan is cream."

I giggled, stroking the kitten's soft fur. "They all start with J?"

"And different vowel sounds," he added, smiling.

"I think they're beautiful names."

We sat there in the room, talking and playing with the kittens. Soon, I passed out on his bed, all six of the kitten curling up around me, completely worn out from the day. The last thing I vaguely remember is the covers being pulled up over me and a warmth by my side.



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