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  "Wash the floors, dust the rug, clean the windows, shine the chandelier, and replace the flowers... however will it all be done?" He discreetly looked over his shoulder at me. I smirked and leaned up against the wall.

Suddenly, he bolted towards the wall with a rag, running across the walls and wiping the windows down on his way. The light shone through them, making the room a bit brighter. Next, the door were flung open and the large rug was removed in an instant. Outside, I caught the glimpse of it being tossed into the air, while a black blur ran back inside and the mop disappeared from its position. The next thing I knew, the floor was sparkling and the rug was floating back into place perfectly. Next, he bounded into the air and was on top of the chandelier, wiping it off. As soon as I noticed the flowers were missing from their jars, new ones were thrown into place like darts. With all the chores completed, the room stilled, and there he stood, on top of the chandelier, casually adjusting a bulb.

"Now that I've exhausted 'showoff,' there is no proper word for you," I called to him from below.

He leapt from his ledge, doing a few flips in the air and sticking his landing directly in front of me. Even though I knew it was coming, I still jumped. "Well then, my dear, since that description's grown old..."

My eyes widened as I realized he was going to do it. "Sebastian, no."

"I suppose you'll simply have to call me..."

"Sebastian, I swear to—"

"A braggart."

I looked at him blankly. "I honestly thought you were going to say..."

"I didn't," he smirked, pulling a blue rose from his sleeve and handing it to me as he kneeled. "My lady."

"Thank heavens," I laughed a little, taking the flower from him. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"

"Well, I am simply one hell of a butler."


Following that little afternoon scene, I stopped Bard from causing yet another catastrophe, helped Mey-Rin with laundry, and even had time to plant flowers with Finny before having to get dressed for dinner.

After dining, I would usually relax out on the balcony until dusk, then make my way to bed, where Sebastian would stop by and bid me goodnight after his master. I would sleep until three in the morning, in which I usually awoke from nightmares and immediately became wide-awake.

Sebastian had discovered this not too long ago, and began coming to my room at that time so I could talk about my dreams in order to get the fear off my mind and fall back asleep. Sometimes, they contained fragments of memories of which he would ponder and scrape to find evidence of my identity, but nothing reliable ever came from it. And so I would fall back asleep with him by my side, on to have sweet dreams for the remainder of the night, eagerly awaiting the next dawn.



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