Chapter 3.1: The Mysterious Maiden

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  I slept through that night, and almost the entire day after. It wasn't as great as others would think, since I was restless with a fever. Occasionally, someone whose voice I recognized would wake me and beckon me to eat. It was like a disruptive alarm clock going off ever six hours, but I always felt a little better after being given food, so it was okay. Even then, I wasn't coherent in the least bit, and would crash again as soon as I ate.

The next day around the time of late afternoon, I woke up on my own and stayed awake at last. I sat up with a refreshing feeling of new energy and stretched my arms. My fever had broken, the color returned to my skin, and my senses were clear.

I came to realize I was in a decent sized bed, in a rather large room—one that I had no recollection of being brought to. I obviously hadn't been kidnapped, and if I was, I honestly wouldn't much care. There was a roaring fire on one wall. White sunlight streamed in through the window to my right. There were various types of furniture in the room, including a wardrobe and recliner and nightstand, all fine crafted and lavish.


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