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Edited 23rd June 2018

I am sooo sorry I haven't updated for a while, I've had major stuff to do! Like for instance my daughter was born in March and I managed to move to a new address (even had the internet cancelled and re done...they only just came out this month) and not to mention my husband is off work due to major back operation so I am taking care of my two AND my husband and hit a major writing block ...and now on with the show enjoy 😘


"Is she going to be all right?" was the first thing Elle heard, she felt like she was lying on something soft, and she let out a loud groan, 

"El, darlin'?" she heard the soft hum of Jasper, Jasper oh shit  she thought as she shot quickly from the sofa, her head span a little and she wobbled, Dr Cullen was closer to her and managed to steady her.

"How? ... "How do you do it?" She asked  

"Lots of practice" He stated, she kept her eyes on Carlisle  

"But the books?" she asked 

"Books can be misleading dear" Esme said from next to her Husband, Elle winced

"Does your head hurt?" Carlisle asked Doctor mode kicking in  

Elle shook her head "Not like that just that someone said that to me a when I was 12," she replied remembering Lockhart's rant in the office when ,she, Harry and Ron tried to rescue Ginny 

"Who's Ginny?" Edward asks Elle looked at him "I can read minds but Bella's I can't and your mind is just as difficult to read , only when there loud I can hear them" he explained and Elle nodded

"Mind reading is possible" she stated, she looked around each of the Cullen's and sighed "I know your secret but can you confirm it please?" she asked Carlisle who nodded  

"Of course," he took a unnessasary breath "What are we?" he asked her gently 

"Vampires" she stated "now I know yours, but -" she looked around the Cullen's "Fuck it, The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy" she muttered "I'm a witch" she stated loudly Emmett snorted then it turned in to laughter before he full belly laughed  

"You believe in vampires, wolves but don't believe in Witches?" She asked "Wizards?" she all but growled at him "Where is my wand?" she asked, Jasper looked around and spotted it on the coffee table, he handed it with a grin, his eyes amused.

"This Darlin'?" he asked His southern drawl more prominent and Elle nodded and flicked her wrist and Emmett was whisked upside down and several feet in the air, which he squealed at 

"Put me down" he replied quickly flapping around  

"Remarkable" Carlisle said in Awe "I haven't seen magic that powerful since Dumbledore"

Elle looked at Carlisle losing her concretion, Emmett fell with a thud, everyone laughed but Elle and Carlisle 

"You knew Dumbledore?" she asked he nodded 

"Came across him on my travels, he asked me about my vampirism and I asked about his 'talents'" Carlisle explained 

"So you knew?" she asked in slight disbelief He nods at her 

"I understood the laws; I'd never thought they be one close to home, but when I smelt your scent across town I knew there was one about" He nodded 

Emmett had managed to get to his feet and he looked at Elle

"Bad ass" he commented as she looked around the Cullen's 

"How is Dumbledore?" Carlisle asked and Elle looked to Carlisle sadly, and sat back on the Sofa, the others following my lead, sitting in various chairs and seats.

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