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Edited 12th June 2019 

Sorry there wasn't more drama at that point but the arrival of the 'red eyes" should be enough And am going to change it a little i know the Bella heads off to Phoenix but I can't write that scene with Charlie no matter how fake it is, so I am going to change it up a bit add more drama

Bella gasped as Alice threw the ball, it sped towards Rose who was batting first. Bella and Elle Both jumped as a loud crack filled the air and it flew through the air. The thunder covering the ear shattering noise it made. Elle felt Jasper behind her, smirking in the back of her neck as the soft wind blew her dark hair.

"Your on my team" Jasper replied to Elle; he handed Elle her broom, the slick wood newly polished, Elle looked to Esme who smiled and sent her a secret wink and a beaters bat.

"How did you-"

"I have connections" Jasper joked and Elle rose her eyebrow as she looked to him "I found it in your school case" He replied with a sigh Elle smile fell and Jasper felt the grief enter her. 

"Let it have one last run, Fred would've wanted you too" he replied, the family including Bella had given Elle some privacy, ignoring the conversations; she nodded and took a nervous breath finding the bat felt at place in her small hands 

"Lets kick some arse" Elle replied, Carlisle laughed from his spot and Emmett made a strange cat noise. Bella who was watching with amazement missed the entire conversations  as Bella called Rose out.

 And she growled at the teenager, Bella took a step back and went to move to hide behind her sister but Elle smirked as Rose passed the pair a pissed off look on her face. 

"Sorry" Elle grinned at Rose and she shrugged, sending her a wink and she joined Carlisle to watch Elle play, like her family interested in how she was going to play with a broom. Elle went to the batting position Jasper showed her and Elle allowed the smirk to fill her face as Alice threw the ball it wasn't as fast as she would normally but it still was fast; but it was charmed to allow Elle to see the ball.

As the thunder cracks across the sky Emmett had shrieked like a scared child as it flew inches from his cocky face.  

"DAMN GIRL" Emmet yelled as Elle smirked and jumped on her broom, as quick as a flash Elle had sped around the field, Edward resorting to push his inhuman pace as the Firebolt had over powered him. He cheated by trying to knock Elle off the broom but she ducked out of his reach and headed to the final base, Alice Esme, Bella and Jayson were cheering and whooping, Emmett egging Edward to go faster and Jasper was waiting to catch her as she shockingly let go of the broom and dived on to the forth base allowing her the win as Edward slid to a stop and tried to avoid his human girlfriend. 

"In" Bella replied and Elle cheered with the rest of the family, Esme came over to congratulate her but her pale hand was on her heart. 

"Don't you ever do that again" Esme commented breathlessly, The vampire had a slight terrified look on her face. 

"Sorry" Elle apologised even through she wasn't sorry at all. "You should see a real Quiddich game, they can be brutal" Elle commented Esme gave the human her best 'mom' look and Elle smirked slightly at Edward's stroppy look. 

"Or maybe not" Jasper commented as he caught the look

"Come on guys" Emmett call impatiently and the game processed quickly, Everyone took turns and Elle would often aim for Emmett and ignoring Esme as she did fancy tricks on the broom.

 Elle smiled as she stumbled in to Jasper's arms, his jacket firmly around her as she shivered at the coldness, Elle's magic was dwindling and slowly draining her so she stopped to much on chocolate Esme somehow managed to produce and she sat with Bella and Hermione on the jeep. 

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