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Edited 18th June 2019: I no longer have my twilight books; I had given them to my god-daughter who's just beginning to read them (too young to read when they came out) So I will be changing a LOT of this so be prepared. I will leave original AN's up so you know the chapters been edited. 

Edited A/N: Noticed the chapter titles changed too? The titles have also been renamed. Book 1 was Twilight so NM is now Book 2. So 2.1, 2.2 etc and it will continue through out the rest of the book.

OH MY GOD we are at New Moon, I plan to change it up a little not a lot but enough to be noticeable, I literally have NM by my side for references' so I shouldn't go wrong, now we all know what happened with Bella in the book, so I am not going to do her POV, I will be sticking to Elle's; I have huge plans for her But I can not thank-you all enough for the votes, comments, the love, I really am loving it. Now few changes, not sure if they will make a difference but I am adding photos now outfits above is what Ella is wearing in the chapter, any photos at the bottom of the chapter are also mentioned in the chapter, (which is planned to not be often) now on with the show :)

The rest of the summer had flown by. Jasper and Carlisle went with Elle for Teddies transformation and stood shell shocked as she changed in to a pure Siberian Husky, Black Fur Included, and chased Teddy around Shell Cottage's beaches. 

They had arrived a week before school was due back and on September 1st was a depressing day for Elle and for several of her classmates as they were wasn't on the train, nor in the great hall for a lavish feast. 

Elle had refused to see anyone, it took Rose to come barging in to her room and promptly dragged Elle to the Cullen house, where Esme, Emmett Alice and Carlisle had prepared a lavish finger buffet for Bella and Elle. Elle stood crying for ten whole minutes out of gratitude; before being forced to calm down and eat something. Elle however returned to school the following Monday this time as a Senior; and It was also Elle's 18th birthday, Bella's was the following day on the 14th September, being born 10minutes after her twin. Elle was born at 11.55pm on the 13th and she born 12.05 am. 

Elle sighed as Jasper pulled in to school and she saw the whispers, Jasper has never driven to school until now. He drove an Aldi R8 GT Spyder in a pale blue colour, they had seen the car around town just didn't know (until now) who it belong to. 

"Happy birthday" Jasper replied and she smirked as he kissed her "are you getting ready at mine?" he asked and Elle nods Bella wasn't to know about the party until later on, so she had no choice but to attend Alice's orders, 

"My dress is there" She replied as he climbed out the car; Jasper hurried at human pace as Elle checked her makeup and opened her side door. 
"Did the Weasley's call?" he asked as he helped her out the car; his hand tightly in her own.  

"Yes they phoned me at midnight" She replied grinning as he grasped her bag in one hand and hers in the other.

"Happy Birthday" Alice wished and Elle smirked hugging her 

"Thank you" El commented softly as Jayson greeted her with a hug.  

"Happy birthday" he replied smirking, Elle gave him a questioning look before he messing her hair "SEX HAIR" he screamed at the top of his lungs, Elle sighed but smiled as Jasper rolled his eyes ran his finger through her hair. 

"Allie?"Elle asked her second best friend and Alice gave Jayson a glare

"Sex ban" She replied "2 weeks" and Jayson gaped and dramatically choked

"b-b-but" he stuttered he turned to his brother "Jazz man help"  

"I am staying out of this" Jasper replied to him holding his hands up and Jayson whined

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